Find below the Dutch translation of the TAE steps (open for public view and download)
Gendlin, E. & Hendricks, M. (2018) Thinking At the Edge (TAE) stappen. Vertaald door Swyngedouw, T.
Gendlin, E. & Hendricks, M. (2004) Thinking At the Edge (TAE) stappen. (Swyngedouw, T., 2018, Vert.) The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy. Vol. 19, No.1, pp. 12-24.
and an article about TAE for the journal for experiential therapists
tPeP: tijdschrift Persoonsgerichte experiëntiële Psychotherapie
about TAE
Swyngedouw, T. (2018) TAE – Thinking At the Edge. tPeP, 56, 3, 153 – 166.
Tine Swyngedouw
Links to the article (tPeP)
Links to translations (by Tine Swyngedouw)
Tine Swyngedouw
3010 Kessel-Lo