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Newsletter Archive

EFA Newsletter February 2023

Dear European Focusing colleagues,

In the newsletter this month:

  • New EFA Facebook page and group
  • New EFA web site
  • Annual Gathering Bassano del Grappa 25 – 29 October 2023
  • Members’ meeting 1 March


Sari Pekki, Yehudit First, and Ruth Hirsch have been working to create two new Facebook pages for EFA.
We are replacing our current Facebook page with two new EFA Facebook pages. The current page, ”EFA Focusing”, will be closed after a transition period. At this point, we want to warmly thank and appreciate Nikos Kipriotakis for the excellent work he has dedicated to our web presence through the website and Facebook for many years.

Why two pages? Read on.

> The ‘European Focusing Association’ page
is for official announcements: The purpose of this page is to widen awareness of EFA and Focusing on Facebook. This public page offers information on the European Focusing Association and activities that EFA organizes. The content of this page will be more informative and compact so that people can easily find the information they are looking for. On this page, we will regularly share and highlight EFA newsletters, articles and other content from the EFA website and possibly other sources as well.

We invite you to like and follow the page:
and invite others who might be interested to like and follow the page as well.

> The ‘European Focusing Forum’ group
is an open space for European Focusers to meet others, share ideas and experience, collaborate, get inspiration and ask questions. The group is for Focusing-related topics. Reflections, sharing, articles and quotes that promote and support self-reflection and awareness will be welcome. The group is private, which means that only members can see who’s in the group and what they post.

We invite you to join our group: and encourage other European Focusers to join too!

It is our hope that these new pages will encourage other European Focusers to join us, allowing us to better connect and collaborate.


Web site

Amona Buechler and Dietmar Steinback have been working with web masters Patrick and Gilbert to produce a new, user-friendly web site. It is nearly ready to go live, hopefully in March.

It will be possible to put your courses and events on the web site, and there will be a membership directory, so you can be found by people who are looking for Focusing professionals. You will also be able to put articles and videos on there and engage in our EFA members discussion group.

We want to move as much content as possible from the old web site, so if you have an interest in copying and pasting the articles and videos, we would love to hear from you. The old site will still be there, and findable as ‘previous’.


2023 Gathering

We are delighted to announce that we have secured a booking for this year’s EFA gathering (annual meeting)

at Bassano del Grappa – in northern Italy, for 25 – 29 October 2023.

Bassano del Grappa Old Town and Ponte degli Alpini bridge, Veneto province, Italy

The venue is lovely. You can see more information here:
The website is in Italian. How to activate Google Translate

THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE will be hosting us from Wednesday evening until Sunday lunchtime.



The Villa is located at
Via Ca’ Morosini, 41 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Tel. +39 331 418 72 84

Rooms will be booked on a first come, first served basis as rooms on the premises are limited. Please read the entire email carefully for instructions on how to book yourself in as an EFA member.

Communication platform

Once you have registered, we also encourage you to enter your name and contact info here on our communication platform so we can all stay in touch.


In the THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE we have available to us

  • 9 single rooms with private bathroom at a cost of €45 a night
  • 8 double rooms with private bathroom – at a discounted rate of €50 a night for singles
    Or full double rate €70 a night for couples or two people sharing with twin beds.
  • 1 triple room €90,00
  • + tourist tax – €2 per night for all above choices
  • Breakfast included
  • Our meeting room is at the villa

NEARBY HOSTEL: Ostello Bassano Del Grappa at Via Lorenzo Chini 6

The hostel is some 15 minutes or so walk away from the villa and also has the option to use a shared kitchen for those who prefer to self-cater. For people who would prefer an even more cost friendly option there are also shared dormitories at the hostel.

  • 2 of these singles come with a private bathroom at €35 a night
  • And 5 other single rooms which come with the use of a shared bathroom for €30 a night.
  • double rooms with a private bathroom €56
  • double rooms with the use of a shared bathroom €50
  • + tourist tax – €2 per night for above choices
  • Breakfast included
This website is in English, Italian and German so easy to browse through.


Lunch and dinner are NOT included in the costs of the room and will need to be paid for separately when you arrive. Breakfast is included already in the costing for the rooms.

Lunch: price range to be determined, probably around Euro 16+
Dinner: Price range between Euro 20 and Euro 25 including drinks depending on the menu.

Occasionally we plan to eat out together in the old historical centre of Bassano.

Check in from 2pm on Wednesday afternoon with a shared dinner on the premises at 6pm. We will meet as a group at 7.30pm

We will close our meeting at 1pm on Sunday, followed by lunch at the venue.

For anyone who wants to arrive earlier and/or stay on longer you can arrange it yourself at the time of booking, or potentially added on later if availability allows.

Bassano del Grappa is reachable by train.
Use to check train times from wherever you are coming. You can book online through this website or buy your ticket at the ticket office.
Another good site is This platform searches through various European train- and bus-services.

For those planning to fly, the closest airport is Venice Marco Polo airport.
On: select:
Departure from “Venice Airport (Marco Polo) to all destinations” then select:
Da/From: Aero Porto Marco Polo (VCE)
and A/To: Mestre Stazione SS.FF.
Euro 8 one-way, Euro 15 both ways
Once in Mestre take the train to Bassano del Grappa

To VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE  at Via Ca’ Morosini, 41
By foot: 20 to 25 minutes from the train station/bus.
By Taxi: 0039 (0)424567774
The cost from the train station to both Bassano del Grappa to the Villa Angaran San and to the Hostel Ostello Bassano Del Grappa, Via Chini, 6 is between €7 and €9.

To Ostello Bassano Del Grappa at Via Lorenzo Chini 6:
By foot: From Bassano train station / bus: 1.4 km, 17 minutes.

TO REGISTER and BOOK your accommodation:

We have a special price for members of our group that you won’t get if you book online.
Please include your name,
that you are coming for the European Focusing Association meeting 25 – 29 October 2023
and your choice of room and exactly how many nights you will stay.

Please book either the hotel or the hostel with:
Either Paolo or one of his colleagues will respond by email.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to CC
so that we know you are coming.


Accommodation and Meals:
To be paid directly to the hotel by each participant.

For the Meeting Room:
We have calculated everybody’s contributions for the cost of the two meeting rooms based on an estimated minimum number of 20 participants. Please expect to pay €65 Euro in addition to the cost of your bedroom. We will collect this money when we are there. If there are more than 20 participants, we can either collect less or use the additional amount for other EFA projects, such as the website.

EFA gathering communication platform

We now have an active communication platform, where you can see who is coming and let people know that you will join. You can see what ideas already exist,  and you can post your envisioned workshop, wishes and discussion ideas; and connect for travel plans, etc.

Looking forward to meeting with as many of you as can come.


Monthly meetings

The monthly Members meetings are continuing on the 1st of every month, at 7pm – 8pm CET. The next meeting is on Wednesday 1 March.

The format of this group is appreciated by the attendees. We have an attunement at the beginning, and then see what emerges from that. It’s an open, heart-felt space. Everyone is welcome. If you want to come to the meeting for the first time, please let Fiona know and she will send you the link.


on behalf of the Steering group

Fiona Parr, Sari Pekki, Amona Buechler,  Ruth Hirsch,
Dietmar Steinbach, Hejo Feuerstein, Cornelius Gehrig, Ria van Hage



EFA Newsletter November 2022

Dear European Focusing colleagues,

News from the EFA gathering at Bassano del Grappa

We met at a Palladian Villa, built in the 16th Century in the old town of Bassano del Grappa with its old wooden bridge in Northern Italy, between Venice and the Alps. The Villa was previously privately owned, and has now been bought by a social enterprise as a resource for the local community as well as for International gatherings like ours. People come daily for activities such as yoga, community groups and support for disabled people. Prisoners come on day release to work in the organic gardens. About 150 people are working in some way or another, helping to make it happen.

 25 participants came from England, Scotland, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Finland, Italy, Israel, Greece, USA, and Romania.

The General Assembly minutes are below.

Attendees came to experience our European connection, in person. We have our national Focusing organisations, and we have TIFI. We also want to have a regional network and home for Focusing in Europe. We welcomed everyone to come and co-create the gathering together. This required everyone to practice inner sensing, discipline and the willingness to listen to others.

 Here is what some of the participants said

‘Everyone is bringing something more, something very special, in this gathering. I’m really celebrating all this, that is happening.’

‘The significant moment for me was witnessing the process of decision-making about how to go on, decision-making that was led in such a Focusing way, and that really touched me.’

‘I’m taking with me a sense of belonging; meaningful connections with a common language and a common human horizon.’

‘I felt connected with my self and with the others too, with strangers from myself and also with an old part of me. I am grateful.’

‘I came with doubts about my physical fitness, which really interfered with my being present in the group – and now I am glad that I did it, and felt connected to other members.’

So what did we do? Here are some of the offerings

Sharing our responses to climate change; Systemic Constellation on the return of Fascism in Europe; Focusing and Non-Violent Communication; Social-oriented Focusing; sharing our responses to ageing; exploring how would Focusing cities look like, and how does change happen. There was also a discussion on a presentation with Gene Gendlin; an exploration of Focusing and coaching; and experimenting with the listener sharing their resonance with the Focuser.

Even more than ‘workshops’, discussions and ‘interest groups’ it was a creative space, to meet informally and create connections.

This is what other participants said

‘Great Focusing Constellation about what is behind this so-called upcoming Fascism in Europe. Nice group. Good luck.’

‘This was a great journey towards our European Focusing spirit. And we made this journey in an experiential way, all together, with all openness.’

‘It was like a good home, where you can be free to express yourself every way you need to do it in that moment, knowing that your “relatives” will be there for you.’

‘An amazing and challenging space for co-creation and togetherness. Huge gratefulness. The venue is very special and supportive. I hope to join here again.’

‘Here we are on the way ….. from our inner living forward energy towards each other. Creating a space where connecting and relating happen, and shared leadership can grow.’

Interest groups

The following EFA interest groups have been mentioned or were formed in the gathering. Should anyone like to join an interest group, they are invited to contact interest group members directly.

  1. Teachers group: 6 members, formed by Fiona and Freda.
    Contact Fiona Parr:
  2. Website project, first phase: Amona and Dietmar; in the next phase, Michael and others can join.
    Contact Dietmar Steinbach:
  3. Facebook page and group: Ruth, Yehudit, Sari.
    Contact Ruth Hirsch:
  4. Interest group for having professional level Focusing Practitioners be recognised by TIFI: Ruth, Mateja Tomazin, and Harriet Teeuw.
    Contact Ruth Hirsch:
  5. EFA conference 2023-24: Michael.
    Contact Michael Callifronas:
  6. Climate change: Teresa.
    Contact Teresa Dawson:
  7. Monthly meeting for all EFA members: Hosted by Fiona, supported by Amona, Michael and Dietmar.
    Contact Contact Fiona Parr:
  8. Suggestions for the following groups is under consideration
    – How would that Focusing city look like? Monica and Ruth.
    Contact Ruth Hirsch:
    – Maybe: Social Oriented Focusing – How to bring focusing in our daily actions: Yehudit.Contact  Yehudit First:

We plan to meet at the Villa in Bassano del Grappa again next year

We hope you can join us. Save the date – 25 – 29 October 2023. There will be an informal day for arriving and connecting on Wednesday, and we will start our meeting on Thursday morning/lunchtime 26 October.

Would you like to host the 2024 EFA gathering in your country? It feels important to circulate the annual gatherings to different countries, so it becomes a truly European organisation.
It can take more than a year to find and book a suitable venue, so we are looking for a group to take on the hosting for 2024. Please let us know if you are interested.

The General Assembly minutes are here:
EFA General Assembly 2022


The next monthly Members’ Meeting

Thursday 1 December at 7pm – 8pm European time
(6pm – 7pm UK time and 8pm – 9pm Greece and Israel time.)

We meet on the first day of every month. Meeting on the 1st of the month means it will be a different day of the week, hopefully to include everyone.

This is open to everyone and is facilitated by EFA members. You are invited to bring a theme to explore, as a follow-up from the gathering at Bassano, or choose your own theme. Please let Fiona know if you would like to introduce a theme or a topic.

It’s the same link each time.
Please let Fiona Parr know if you want to join the meeting and do not have the link.

Best wishes
Your Focusing Friends at EFA

Fiona Parr, Sari Pekki, Amona Buechler, Ruth Hirsch, Ria van Hage,
Dietmar Steinbach, Hejo Feuerstein, Cornelius Gehrig


EFA Newsletter August 2022

Dear European Focusing colleagues,

We are looking forward to our Gathering and General Assembly 13 – 16 October at Bassano del Grappa in Northern Italy. It’s only a couple of months away and there are still places available if you want to join us. Currently there are 19 people booked to come. You can see who is coming, and perhaps link up with travel plans by going to the communication platform:

We will gather for supper at 7pm on Thursday 13 October, and meet each other informally after supper. On Friday we can have an option for Focusing partnerships and then meet as a whole group in the meeting room. That is when we can plan our time together. Each day there is space for offerings, discussions and workshops, as well as relaxation and social times. Time slots for offerings could be 2 hours; more or less. It’s a gathering, not a conference, and it’s shared and created by those of us who attend. We will finish after lunch on Sunday, at 2pm. You can also arrive a couple of days earlier and leave later if you wish. Informal self-organised meetings are possible for those who arrive earlier.

We decided not to offer a hybrid Zoom meeting at the gathering. We would like to have a live group experience for the people travelling to Bassano. And we have the opportunity in all the monthly meetings to meet those people who could not travel. (See below.)

The theme of our gathering is:

The Art of Relating
“Relationships & Interaffecting”

We invite you to contribute your offerings: workshops, talks, lectures, discussion groups and all offerings are welcome.

Offerings so far include Focusing as an interrelated process: a practice for listening and reflecting from your whole self; relational Focusing constellations; Focusing and NVC; Focusing-oriented Coaching; Belonging Beyond Borders; Focusing with ageing; Focusing and Zen; how we use Focusing professionally and/or live a Focusing life; EFA Focusing teachers’ group.

It would be nice, next to having a variety of mini workshops, to start our gathering with all present and end the gathering with all present to summarise and bring together the various perspectives and possibilities that have been shared in workshops. To have a sense of co-creation, and to cross what has been offered at the gathering.

Please let the steering group know what you would like to offer, and we invite you to also post it on the communication platform:

More information can be found on the 28 April EFA newsletter 2022:

 will be hosting us over the three days.
The venue is lovely. You can see more information here:
The website is in Italian. How to activate Google Translate.
Please refer to the homepage of the  EFA website  for full information:


The next monthly Members’ Meeting is on

Thursday 1 September at 7pm – 8pm European time,
(6pm – 7pm UK time and 8pm – 9pm Greece and Israel time.)
This is open to everyone and is facilitated by EFA members. We will find a theme to explore, as a way to be together in a Focusing way. There is also an option for development of the interest groups if needed. We hope you can come.
It’s the same link each time.
Please let Fiona Parr know if you want to join the meeting and do not have the link.
We meet on the first day of every month. Meeting on the 1st of the month means it will be a different day of the week, hopefully to include everyone.
So the next meeting will be Tuesday 1 September.


EFA discussion list

Are you aware that we have an email discussion list available for our use. Here is the email address again:

Best wishes
Your Focusing Friends at EFA

Fiona Parr, Sari Pekki, Amona Buechler, Ruth Hirsch,
Dietmar Steinbach, Hejo Feuerstein, Cornelius Gehrig


Dear European Focusing colleagues,


Here you find updates regarding some of our activities of the coming months.

EFA in France

We plan to have an EFA event at the International Focusing Conference, to raise awareness about EFA and invite European Focusers to join us.

The event is being planned by Ruth Hirsch and Heidrun Essler; and members of the steering group who are going to the conference will be on hand to support.

The day and time will be decided at the conference and announced on one of the mornings.

We hope to see you there!


EFA gathering and meeting in Bassano del Grappa – in northern Italy
13 – 16 October 2022

The theme of our gathering is:

The Art of Relating
“Relationships & Interaffecting”

We invite you to contribute your offerings: workshops, talks, lectures, discussion groups and all offerings are welcome.
Please let the steering group know what you would like to offer, and we invite you to also post it on the communication platform:
More information can be found on the 28 April EFA newsletter 2022/3.

THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE will be hosting us over the three days.
The venue is lovely. You can see more information here.
The website is in Italian. How to activate Google Translate.

Please refer to the homepage of the EFA website for full information:


EFA Teachers’ group

Meets monthly and we will meet at Bassano. You are welcome to join us.

We use our time in the Teachers’ group to clarify how we teach Focusing; exchange our training programmes; explore how to improve encounters with students; practice and try out Focusing exercises. We share and gain direct access to experience from other countries. Even though we are independent teachers, working in our own areas, we don’t feel so alone in the world. It’s collegial, permanent and reliable. There’s a consistency and stability that we can rely on. We use peer supervision; an inter-vision in a wider sense. We not only talk about difficulties, we also reflect about the movement of Focusing in the wider world, and bring our hopes, visions and inspirations.


Monthly Meetings

The monthly Members meetings are continuing on the 1st of every month.
We had a small group meeting on 1 June. We had an attunement and a sharing round, followed by thoughts and ideas for EFA, France, and the meeting in Bassano. The format of this group was appreciated, especially having an attunement at the beginning, and then see what emerges from that. It’s an open, heart-felt space.

on behalf of the Steering group

Fiona Parr, Sari Pekki, Amona Buechler, Ruth Hirsch,
Dietmar Steinbach, Hejo Feuerstein, Cornelius Gehrig




EFA newsletter, April 2022

EFA newsletter April 2022

EFA newsletter
April 2022

Dear European Focusing colleagues,

Here you find updates to our annual gathering in Italy October 13 to 16 2022

Communication Platform

This link:

leads you to a platform in which we can share ideas for our 2022 gathering. With that we can keep a nice overview over everybody’s ideas. Express what you would like to have happen and what you might like to offer. And let everybody know that you are coming.

Topics include:

  • Ideas for the official EFA meeting, topics, activities…
  • Who will join and what’s their contact info?
  • Travel: sharing the ride
  • Coming earlier/staying longer
  • Covid-19 travel info
  • Please feel free to add more topics

The steering group will take a look at new posts on this cloud-platform at least once per month to consider and to incorporate what’s being expressed.

You may also use the EFA-email discussion forum:
(Stay connected. Sign up if you have not done so yet.)

Keep this Newsletter and delete the Newsletter from last month please.

The same info is on the EFA website, here

We are delighted to announce that we have secured a booking
for this year’s EFA gathering (annual meeting)
at Bassano del Grappa – in northern Italy, for 13 – 16 October 2022.

Bassano del Grappa Old Town and Ponte degli Alpini bridge, Veneto province, Italy

The venue is lovely. You can see more information here
The website is in Italian. How to activate Google Translate

THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE will be hosting us over the three days.

The Villa is located at
Via Ca’ Morosini, 41 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Tel. +39 331 418 72 84

For those who would like to stay on site, the rooms will be booked on a first come, first served basis as rooms on the premises are limited. Please read the entire email carefully for instructions on how to book yourself in as an EFA member.


Lunch and dinner are NOT included in the costs of the room and will need to be paid for separately on-site.

There is a good restaurant on the premises open to the public and to the other participants of the various social activities that take place there. This restaurant offers us the opportunity for shared meal times and caters to vegetarians and omnivores alike. Gluten and dairy free options can be arranged ahead of time. Breakfast is included already in the costing for the rooms. For 15 people and over we will have a set menu for the group, if we are less everybody can order from the menu.

Lunch: price range to be determined, probably around Euro 15 without drinks.
Dinner: Price range between Euro 18 and Euro 23 including drinks with a set menu and about Euro 30 a la carte.

There is also the option to eat out (together) in the old historical centre of Bassano.


Check in from 4 pm to 8 pm on Thursday afternoon with a shared dinner on the premises.

Check out of bedrooms by 10 am on Sunday.

We will close our meeting at 1 pm and lunch will be available on the premises for anyone who wishes to stay on.

For anyone who wants to arrive earlier and/or stay on longer these arrangements to book in for extra nights can be arranged by yourselves at the time of booking, or potentially added on later if availability allows. Due to the Pandemic our hotel might only be open Thursday to Sunday.


Bassano del Grappa is reachable by train.

Use to check train times from wherever you are coming. You can book online through this website or buy your ticket at the ticket office.

Another good site is This platform searches through various European train- and bus-services.

For those planning to fly, the closest airport is Venice Marco Polo airport.

On: select:
Departure from “Venice Airport (Marco Polo) to all destinations”
then select:
Da/From: Aero Porto Marco Polo (VCE)
and A/To: Mestre Stazione SS.FF.
Euro 8 one-way, Euro 15 both ways

Once in Mestre take the train to Bassano del Grappa


In the THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE we have available to us

  • 9 single rooms with private bathroom at a cost of 40 a night
  • 6 double rooms with private bathroom – at a discounted rate of 45 a night for singles, full double rate €60 a night for couples or two people sharing with twin beds.
  • 1 triple room €75,00
  • + tourist tax – €2 per night for all above choices
  • Breakfast included
  • Our meeting room is at the villa

NEARBY HOSTEL: Ostello Bassano Del Grappa
at Via Lorenzo Chini 6

The hostel is some 15 minutes or so walk away from the villa and also has the option to use a shared kitchen for those who prefer to self-cater. For people who would prefer an even more cost friendly option there are also shared dormitories at the hostel.

  • 2 of these singles come with a private bathroom at €30 a night
  • And 5 other single rooms which come with the use of a shared bathroom for €25 a night.
  • double rooms with a private bathroom €55
  • double rooms with the use of a shared bathroom €48
  • + tourist tax – €2 per night for above choices
  • Breakfast included

This website is in English, Italian and German so easy to browse through.


To Ostello Bassano Del Grappa at Via Lorenzo Chini 6:

By foot: From Bassano train station / bus: 1.4 km, 17 minutes.

To VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE  at Via Ca’ Morosini, 41

By foot: 20 to 25 minutes from the train station/bus.

By Taxi: 0039 (0)424567774

The cost from the train station to both Bassano del Grappa to the Villa Angaran San and to the Hostel Ostello Bassano Del Grappa, Via Chini, 6 is between €7 and €9.

TO BOOK your accommodation:

We have a special price for members of our group 
that you won’t get if you book online.

Please include your name, that you are coming for the
European Focusing Association meeting 13 – 16 October 2022,
and your choice of room and exactly how many nights you will stay.

Please book either choice, hotel or hostel with:

Either Paolo or one of her colleagues will respond by email.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to CC

so that we know you are coming.


To be paid on-site directly to the hotel by each participant.
To be paid on-site directly to the hotel by each participant.

For the Meeting Room:

We are imagining that we will be around 20 people. Based on this estimation there is a single cost of 35 euros per person for our meeting room to be paid in addition to the cost for the bedrooms. We will collect this money when we are there.
Thank you.

Looking forward to meeting with as many of you as can come.


on behalf of the Steering group

Fiona Parr, Sari Pekki, Amona Buechler,  Ruth Hirsch,
Dietmar Steinbach, Hejo Feuerstein, Cornelius Gehrig


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, April 2022

EFA newsletter April 2022

EFA newsletter
April 2022

Dear European Focusing colleagues,

Here you find updates to our annual gathering in Italy October 13 to 16 2022

Communication Platform

This link:

leads you to a platform in which we can share ideas for our 2022 gathering. With that we can keep a nice overview over everybody’s ideas. Express what you would like to have happen and what you might like to offer. And let everybody know that you are coming.

Topics include:

  • Ideas for the official EFA meeting, topics, activities…
  • Who will join and what’s their contact info?
  • Travel: sharing the ride
  • Coming earlier/staying longer
  • Covid-19 travel info
  • Please feel free to add more topics

The steering group will take a look at new posts on this cloud-platform at least once per month to consider and to incorporate what’s being expressed.

You may also use the EFA-email discussion forum:
(Stay connected. Sign up if you have not done so yet.)

Keep this Newsletter and delete the Newsletter from last month please.

The same info is on the EFA website, here

We are delighted to announce that we have secured a booking
for this year’s EFA gathering (annual meeting)
at Bassano del Grappa – in northern Italy, for 13 – 16 October 2022.

Bassano del Grappa Old Town and Ponte degli Alpini bridge, Veneto province, Italy

The venue is lovely. You can see more information here
The website is in Italian. How to activate Google Translate

THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE will be hosting us over the three days.

The Villa is located at
Via Ca’ Morosini, 41 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Tel. +39 331 418 72 84

For those who would like to stay on site, the rooms will be booked on a first come, first served basis as rooms on the premises are limited. Please read the entire email carefully for instructions on how to book yourself in as an EFA member.


Lunch and dinner are NOT included in the costs of the room and will need to be paid for separately on-site.

There is a good restaurant on the premises open to the public and to the other participants of the various social activities that take place there. This restaurant offers us the opportunity for shared meal times and caters to vegetarians and omnivores alike. Gluten and dairy free options can be arranged ahead of time. Breakfast is included already in the costing for the rooms. For 15 people and over we will have a set menu for the group, if we are less everybody can order from the menu.

Lunch: price range to be determined, probably around Euro 15 without drinks.
Dinner: Price range between Euro 18 and Euro 23 including drinks with a set menu and about Euro 30 a la carte.

There is also the option to eat out (together) in the old historical centre of Bassano.


Check in from 4 pm to 8 pm on Thursday afternoon with a shared dinner on the premises.

Check out of bedrooms by 10 am on Sunday.

We will close our meeting at 1 pm and lunch will be available on the premises for anyone who wishes to stay on.

For anyone who wants to arrive earlier and/or stay on longer these arrangements to book in for extra nights can be arranged by yourselves at the time of booking, or potentially added on later if availability allows. Due to the Pandemic our hotel might only be open Thursday to Sunday.


Bassano del Grappa is reachable by train.

Use to check train times from wherever you are coming. You can book online through this website or buy your ticket at the ticket office.

Another good site is This platform searches through various European train- and bus-services.

For those planning to fly, the closest airport is Venice Marco Polo airport.

On: select:
Departure from “Venice Airport (Marco Polo) to all destinations”
then select:
Da/From: Aero Porto Marco Polo (VCE)
and A/To: Mestre Stazione SS.FF.
Euro 8 one-way, Euro 15 both ways

Once in Mestre take the train to Bassano del Grappa


In the THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE we have available to us

  • 9 single rooms with private bathroom at a cost of 40 a night
  • 6 double rooms with private bathroom – at a discounted rate of 45 a night for singles, full double rate €60 a night for couples or two people sharing with twin beds.
  • 1 triple room €75,00
  • + tourist tax – €2 per night for all above choices
  • Breakfast included
  • Our meeting room is at the villa

NEARBY HOSTEL: Ostello Bassano Del Grappa
at Via Lorenzo Chini 6

The hostel is some 15 minutes or so walk away from the villa and also has the option to use a shared kitchen for those who prefer to self-cater. For people who would prefer an even more cost friendly option there are also shared dormitories at the hostel.

  • 2 of these singles come with a private bathroom at €30 a night
  • And 5 other single rooms which come with the use of a shared bathroom for €25 a night.
  • double rooms with a private bathroom €55
  • double rooms with the use of a shared bathroom €48
  • + tourist tax – €2 per night for above choices
  • Breakfast included

This website is in English, Italian and German so easy to browse through.


To Ostello Bassano Del Grappa at Via Lorenzo Chini 6:

By foot: From Bassano train station / bus: 1.4 km, 17 minutes.

To VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE  at Via Ca’ Morosini, 41

By foot: 20 to 25 minutes from the train station/bus.

By Taxi: 0039 (0)424567774

The cost from the train station to both Bassano del Grappa to the Villa Angaran San and to the Hostel Ostello Bassano Del Grappa, Via Chini, 6 is between €7 and €9.

TO BOOK your accommodation:

We have a special price for members of our group 
that you won’t get if you book online.

Please include your name, that you are coming for the
European Focusing Association meeting 13 – 16 October 2022,
and your choice of room and exactly how many nights you will stay.

Please book either choice, hotel or hostel with:

Either Paolo or one of her colleagues will respond by email.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to CC

so that we know you are coming.


To be paid on-site directly to the hotel by each participant.
To be paid on-site directly to the hotel by each participant.

For the Meeting Room:

We are imagining that we will be around 20 people. Based on this estimation there is a single cost of 35 euros per person for our meeting room to be paid in addition to the cost for the bedrooms. We will collect this money when we are there.
Thank you.

Looking forward to meeting with as many of you as can come.


on behalf of the Steering group

Fiona Parr, Sari Pekki, Amona Buechler,  Ruth Hirsch,
Dietmar Steinbach, Hejo Feuerstein, Cornelius Gehrig


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, April 2022

EFA newsletter April 2022

EFA newsletter
April 2022

Dear European Focusing colleagues,

Here you find updates to our annual gathering in Italy October 13 to 16 2022

Communication Platform

This link:

leads you to a platform in which we can share ideas for our 2022 gathering. With that we can keep a nice overview over everybody’s ideas. Express what you would like to have happen and what you might like to offer. And let everybody know that you are coming.

Topics include:

  • Ideas for the official EFA meeting, topics, activities…
  • Who will join and what’s their contact info?
  • Travel: sharing the ride
  • Coming earlier/staying longer
  • Covid-19 travel info
  • Please feel free to add more topics

The steering group will take a look at new posts on this cloud-platform at least once per month to consider and to incorporate what’s being expressed.

You may also use the EFA-email discussion forum:
(Stay connected. Sign up if you have not done so yet.)

Keep this Newsletter and delete the Newsletter from last month please.

The same info is on the EFA website, here

We are delighted to announce that we have secured a booking
for this year’s EFA gathering (annual meeting)
at Bassano del Grappa – in northern Italy, for 13 – 16 October 2022.

Bassano del Grappa Old Town and Ponte degli Alpini bridge, Veneto province, Italy

The venue is lovely. You can see more information here
The website is in Italian. How to activate Google Translate

THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE will be hosting us over the three days.

The Villa is located at
Via Ca’ Morosini, 41 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Tel. +39 331 418 72 84

For those who would like to stay on site, the rooms will be booked on a first come, first served basis as rooms on the premises are limited. Please read the entire email carefully for instructions on how to book yourself in as an EFA member.


Lunch and dinner are NOT included in the costs of the room and will need to be paid for separately on-site.

There is a good restaurant on the premises open to the public and to the other participants of the various social activities that take place there. This restaurant offers us the opportunity for shared meal times and caters to vegetarians and omnivores alike. Gluten and dairy free options can be arranged ahead of time. Breakfast is included already in the costing for the rooms. For 15 people and over we will have a set menu for the group, if we are less everybody can order from the menu.

Lunch: price range to be determined, probably around Euro 15 without drinks.
Dinner: Price range between Euro 18 and Euro 23 including drinks with a set menu and about Euro 30 a la carte.

There is also the option to eat out (together) in the old historical centre of Bassano.


Check in from 4 pm to 8 pm on Thursday afternoon with a shared dinner on the premises.

Check out of bedrooms by 10 am on Sunday.

We will close our meeting at 1 pm and lunch will be available on the premises for anyone who wishes to stay on.

For anyone who wants to arrive earlier and/or stay on longer these arrangements to book in for extra nights can be arranged by yourselves at the time of booking, or potentially added on later if availability allows. Due to the Pandemic our hotel might only be open Thursday to Sunday.


Bassano del Grappa is reachable by train.

Use to check train times from wherever you are coming. You can book online through this website or buy your ticket at the ticket office.

Another good site is This platform searches through various European train- and bus-services.

For those planning to fly, the closest airport is Venice Marco Polo airport.

On: select:
Departure from “Venice Airport (Marco Polo) to all destinations”
then select:
Da/From: Aero Porto Marco Polo (VCE)
and A/To: Mestre Stazione SS.FF.
Euro 8 one-way, Euro 15 both ways

Once in Mestre take the train to Bassano del Grappa


In the THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE we have available to us

  • 9 single rooms with private bathroom at a cost of 40 a night
  • 6 double rooms with private bathroom – at a discounted rate of 45 a night for singles, full double rate €60 a night for couples or two people sharing with twin beds.
  • 1 triple room €75,00
  • + tourist tax – €2 per night for all above choices
  • Breakfast included
  • Our meeting room is at the villa

NEARBY HOSTEL: Ostello Bassano Del Grappa
at Via Lorenzo Chini 6

The hostel is some 15 minutes or so walk away from the villa and also has the option to use a shared kitchen for those who prefer to self-cater. For people who would prefer an even more cost friendly option there are also shared dormitories at the hostel.

  • 2 of these singles come with a private bathroom at €30 a night
  • And 5 other single rooms which come with the use of a shared bathroom for €25 a night.
  • double rooms with a private bathroom €55
  • double rooms with the use of a shared bathroom €48
  • + tourist tax – €2 per night for above choices
  • Breakfast included

This website is in English, Italian and German so easy to browse through.


To Ostello Bassano Del Grappa at Via Lorenzo Chini 6:

By foot: From Bassano train station / bus: 1.4 km, 17 minutes.

To VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE  at Via Ca’ Morosini, 41

By foot: 20 to 25 minutes from the train station/bus.

By Taxi: 0039 (0)424567774

The cost from the train station to both Bassano del Grappa to the Villa Angaran San and to the Hostel Ostello Bassano Del Grappa, Via Chini, 6 is between €7 and €9.

TO BOOK your accommodation:

We have a special price for members of our group 
that you won’t get if you book online.

Please include your name, that you are coming for the
European Focusing Association meeting 13 – 16 October 2022,
and your choice of room and exactly how many nights you will stay.

Please book either choice, hotel or hostel with:

Either Paolo or one of her colleagues will respond by email.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to CC

so that we know you are coming.


To be paid on-site directly to the hotel by each participant.
To be paid on-site directly to the hotel by each participant.

For the Meeting Room:

We are imagining that we will be around 20 people. Based on this estimation there is a single cost of 35 euros per person for our meeting room to be paid in addition to the cost for the bedrooms. We will collect this money when we are there.
Thank you.

Looking forward to meeting with as many of you as can come.


on behalf of the Steering group

Fiona Parr, Sari Pekki, Amona Buechler,  Ruth Hirsch,
Dietmar Steinbach, Hejo Feuerstein, Cornelius Gehrig


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, March 2022

EFA newsletter March 2022

EFA newsletter
March 2022

Dear European Focusing colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that we have secured a booking
for this year’s EFA gathering (annual meeting)
at Bassano del Grappa – in northern Italy, for 13 – 16 October 2022.

Bassano del Grappa Old Town and Ponte degli Alpini bridge, Veneto province, Italy

The venue is lovely. You can see more information here
The website is in Italian. How to activate Google Translate

THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE will be hosting us over the three days.

The Villa is located at
Via Ca’ Morosini, 41 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Tel. +39 331 418 72 84

For those who would like to stay on site, the rooms will be booked on a first come, first served basis as rooms on the premises are limited. Please read the entire email carefully for instructions on how to book yourself in as an EFA member.


Lunch and dinner are NOT included in the costs of the room and will need to be paid for separately at the time.

There is a good restaurant on the premises open to the public and to the other participants of the various social activities that take place there. This restaurant offers us the opportunity for shared meal times and caters to vegetarians and omnivores alike. Gluten and dairy free options can be arranged ahead of time. Breakfast is included already in the costing for the rooms. For 15-20 people and over we will have a set menu for the group, if we are less everybody can order from the menu.

Lunch: price range to be determined, probably around Euro 15+
Dinner: Price range between Euro 18 and Euro 30 including drinks depending on the menu.

There is also the option to eat out (together) in the old historical centre of Bassano.


Check in from 2 pm on Thursday afternoon with a shared dinner on the premises.

Check out of bedrooms by 11 am on Sunday.

We will close our meeting at 1 pm and lunch will be available on the premises for anyone who wishes to stay on.

For anyone who wants to arrive earlier and/or stay on longer these arrangements to book in for extra nights can be arranged by yourselves at the time of booking, or potentially added on later if availability allows. Due to the Pandemic our hotel might only be open Thursday to Sunday.


Bassano del Grappa is reachable by train.

Use to check train times from wherever you are coming. You can book online through this website or buy your ticket at the ticket office.

Another good site is This platform searches through various European train- and bus-services.

For those planning to fly, the closest airport is Venice Marco Polo airport.

On: select:
Departure from “Venice Airport (Marco Polo) to all destinations”
then select:
Da/From: Aero Porto Marco Polo (VCE)
and A/To: Mestre Stazione SS.FF.
Euro 8 one-way, Euro 15 both ways

Once in Mestre take the train to Bassano del Grappa


In the THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE we have available to us

  • 10 single rooms with private bathroom at a cost of 40 a night
  • 14 double rooms with private bathroom – at a discounted rate of 45 a night for singles
  • full double rate €60 a night for couples or two people sharing with twin beds.
  • 1 triple room €80,00
  • + tourist tax – €2 per night for all above choices
  • Breakfast included
  • Our meeting room is at the villa

NEARBY HOSTEL: Ostello Bassano Del Grappa
at Via Lorenzo Chini 6

The hostel is some 15 minutes or so walk away from the villa and also has the option to use a shared kitchen for those who prefer to self-cater. For people who would prefer an even more cost friendly option there are also shared dormitories at the hostel.

  • 2 of these singles come with a private bathroom at €30 a night
  • And 5 other single rooms which come with the use of a shared bathroom for €25 a night.
  • double rooms with a private bathroom €55
  • double rooms with the use of a shared bathroom €48
  • + tourist tax – €2 per night for above choices
  • Breakfast included

This website is in English, Italian and German so easy to browse through.


To Ostello Bassano Del Grappa at Via Lorenzo Chini 6:

By foot: From Bassano train station / bus: 1.4 km, 17 minutes.

To VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE  at Via Ca’ Morosini, 41

By foot: 20 to 25 minutes from the train station/bus.

By Taxi: 0039 (0)424567774

The cost from the train station to both Bassano del Grappa to the Villa Angaran San and to the Hostel Ostello Bassano Del Grappa, Via Chini, 6 is between €7 and €9.

TO BOOK your accommodation:

We have a special price for members of our group 
that you won’t get if you book online. 

Please include your name, that you are coming for the
European Focusing Association meeting 13 – 16 October 2022
and your choice of room and exactly how many nights you will stay.

Please book either choice, hotel or hostel with:

Either Paolo or one of her colleagues will respond by email.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to CC

so that we know you are coming.


Accommodation and Meals:
To be paid directly to the hotel by each participant.

For the Meeting Room:

We are imagining that we will be around 20 people. Based on this estimation there is a single cost of 35 euros per person for our meeting room to be paid in addition to the cost for the bedrooms. We will collect this money when we are there.
Thank you.

Looking forward to meeting with as many of you as can come.


on behalf of the Steering group

Fiona Parr, Sari Pekki, Amona Buechler,  Ruth Hirsch,
Dietmar Steinbach, Hejo Feuerstein, Cornelius Gehrig


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, January 2022

EFA newsletter January 2022

Senses of Focusing
Vol. I & II

Dear EFA Friends,

We are delighted to announce that the two volumes of Senses of Focusing that we have been working on for the past two years have now been published and are available for purchase through Amazon (see all the links here: amazon-links)

The idea for the volumes came after EFA’s First European Focusing Conference, ‘Facets of Focusing’, which took place in Loutraki, Greece, in 2018, and which many of you will have attended. The quality of the presentations there inspired the idea of a book, a project which soon grew and grew from one volume to two. We particularly wanted to give a voice to colleagues whose first language is not English and more than half the contributors across the two volumes are European, some of whom (e.g. Frans Depestele, Mia Leijssen, Claude Missaen, Campbell Purton, Donata Schoeller, Alan Tidmarsh, Jenny White, Pavlos Zarogiannis) presented at the Loutraki conference.

We have created a website for the book
where you can find much more detail about the books:

the list of contents, a summary of the chapters and details of the contributors.
You can even find links to videos of some of the original Loutraki presentations where they relate to specific chapters in the book.
We also include video interviews with contributors
(so far: Campbell Purton and Akira Ikemi)
and plan to add more interviews and organise events in relation to the volumes in the future.

We intend that the website should be ‘alive’, an interactive space, and would very much welcome your contributions, your response to the volumes and any ideas for the future. We also know that there are many excellent colleagues who couldn’t be included in these volumes but who may be ready to contribute to a third volume, if there should be one.

The volumes are very beautiful and have been produced to a high standard. It was a pleasure to work on them with so many wonderful colleagues from Loutraki onwards and we very much hope you will enjoy reading them.

Warm regards,

Judy Moore (UK)
Nikolaos Kypriotakis (Greece)

Co-editors Senses of Focusing


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, January 2022

EFA newsletter January 2022

EFA newsletter
January 2022

Dear European Focusers and Friends

We have three good things to tell you about.

The next Members’ Meeting

Tuesday 1 February at 7pm – 8pm European time,
(6pm – 7pm UK time and 8pm – 9pm Greece and Israel time.)

This is open to everyone and is facilitated by EFA members. We will find a theme to explore, as a way to be together in a Focusing way. There is also an option for development of the interest groups if needed. We hope you can come.

It’s the same link each time.

Please let Fiona Parr know if you want to join the meeting
and do not have the link:

We meet on the first day of every month.
Meeting on the 1st of the month means it will be a different day of the week,
hopefully to include different people each time. So the next meeting will be Tuesday 1 March.

Planning our meeting in France

The European Focusing Association is our network for Focusing in Europe. It belongs to us. We exist to develop Focusing and the Experiential Approach through collaboration, openness and mutual support throughout our part of the world. You don’t have to be a member of any other Focusing organization to be a member of EFA. If you are a Focuser, Focusing Therapist or Professional, Focusing student or teacher, or Focusing Coordinator, then you belong.

The 29th International Focusing Conference
is being planned for France on June 22-26, 2022.

As usual, we want to take that opportunity for European Focusers to gather together for a meeting in person (hopefully!). We would like you to join us in planning that in-person meeting for the conference.
Possible ideas for the meeting include socialising and getting to know one another, ideas for collaboration, and sharing successes and challenges.

We are sending this invitation out to all Focusing organisations that we know of in Europe, as well as European Focusing Coordinators, asking you to please spread the invitation among your Focusing colleagues, partners, and students in the hopes of having a couple representatives from each region of Europe engaged in planning our meeting in France.
Any Focuser living in Europe is welcome to help us plan.

It is not a big commitment.
We will hold only a few Zoom gatherings to discuss how to use our brief meeting time at the conference. Please join in the planning before we see each other at the Conference.

We welcome your active participation.

For more information, or to get the Zoom link, please email Ruth Hirsch

October Gathering and General Assembly

We are planning to meet in person in October,
possibly at the venue in Bassano del Grappa if it is available.

We will let you know when we have a date.

EFA discussion list

Are you aware that we have an email discussion list available for our use.

Here is the email address again:


Best wishes

Your Focusing Friends at EFA


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, October 2021

EFA newsletter October 2021

EFA newsletter
October 2021


Here you can read the minutes from the recent EFA Annual General Assembly

Members’ Meeting

Tuesday 1 November at 7pm – 8.30pm European time,
(6pm – 7.30pm UK time and 8pm – 9.30pm Greece and Israel time.)

This is open to everyone and is facilitated by EFA members. We will find a theme to explore, as a way to be together in a Focusing way. There is also an option for development of the interest groups if needed. We hope you can come.
It’s the same link each time. Please let Fiona know if you want to join the meeting and do not yet have the link.

We meet on the first day of every month. Meeting on the 1st of the month means it will be a different day of the week, hopefully to include different people each time. So the next meeting will be Monday 1 November. There is an option to meet at an earlier time, if that works better for people.

Senses of Focusing, Vol. I & II

Here you can watch a video about the new publication Senses of Focusing, Vol. I & II
by Eurasia Publications, Athens, Greece

We hope to see you on Monday 1 November.


The new steering group

Fiona Parr, Hejo Feuerstein, Cornelius Gehrig,
Sari Pekki and Dietmar Steinbach


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, September 2021

EFA newsletter September 2021

Annual General Assembly
Sunday 10 October 2021

11.30am-2pm Finland, Greece and Israel

Here is the link (same as the monthly members’ meetings)

Meeting ID: 826 1336 0568
Passcode: 768087

The meeting is for us to carry forward our wonderful European Focusing Association and our being together.

We are collecting agenda items,
so please let a Steering Group member know.

Agenda so far.

  • Celebration and acknowledgement of the publication of the two volumes of ‘Senses of Focusing’ which Judy Moore and Nikos Kypriotakis have devoted so much time and energy to. The publication date is 12 October! The books grew out of the EFA Conference in Loutraki and is a successful EFA project.
  • Decide on what we want from an EFA meeting at the International Conference in June 2022 in France. A meeting in person will enable us to develop a new direction with fresh energy.
  • Decide on an EFA meeting in Bassano del Grappa, Italy in October 2022.
  • Web site update and decisions.
  • Project with Hejo to develop an interest group to offer Focusing as a support for people who are impacted by Covid.
  • Project with Michael Califronas to collect European Focusing resources.
  • The steering group is open for new members to join. Patricia, Judy and Lucy are stepping down from the steering group. We want to reorganise, to continue to be inclusive and non-hierarchical.

As we are meeting on 10 October,
we are not meeting on the usual 1st of the month in October.

The steering group

Fiona Parr, Patricia Foster, Hejo Feuerstein, Judy Moore,
Cornelius Gehrig, Lucy van Praag and Sari Pekki


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, August 2021

EFA newsletter August 2021

EFA gathering &

Annual General Assembly

7 – 10 October 2021

Due to the ongoing uncertainty of the Covid situation, and the difficulty of predicting travel restrictions in each country in October, the Steering Group has decided to cancel the group booking at Bassano del Grappa once again this year.

However, the venue is open for individual bookings, so if you want to go, you still can!

It is still possible for a self-organising group to meet together in person 7 – 10 October.

The venue is The Villa Angaran San Giuseppe.

Alternatively, booking an Airbnb might be good for a small group, to share a whole house together, because we would not have exclusive use of the hotel.

For people who decide not to travel to Italy this year, we can have online meetings over the same weekend.

Offerings of workshops and topics are welcome for both the in-person gathering and the online meeting.


EFA Members’ meeting 1 September

The Steering Group is facilitating the formation of a groups who want to meet online or in Italy at the next EFA monthly meeting on 1 September, 6pm – 7.30pm BST/7pm – 8.30pm CEST/8pm – 9.30pm Finland, Greece and Israel.

Here is the link.

Meeting ID: 826 1336 0568
Passcode: 768087


We also have our group email list
for communication between members.

You can post to the list here:
A reminder that you can join here:


Annual General Assembly
Sunday 10 October 2021

11.30am-2pm Finland, Greece and Israel
This is online, and the people meeting in Italy can join us from their venue.
The meeting is for us to carry forward our wonderful European Focusing Association and our being together.
We are collecting agenda items, so please let a Steering Group member know.


We hope to be able to meet in person at the International Focusing Conference
in the Ardeshe region, South of France in June 2022.


We might also think about meeting in Bassano del Grappa in October 2022.


The steering group

Fiona Parr, Patricia Foster, Hejo Feuerstein, Judy Moore,
Cornelius Gehrig, Lucy van Praag and Sari Pekki


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, October 2020

EFA newsletter October 2020

EFA General Assembly 6 December 2020

Dear EFA Member
You are warmly invited to the 2020 EFA Annual General Assembly

Sunday 6 December
9.30 am – 12 noon GMT
10.30 am – 1 pm CET
11.30 am – 2 pm Finland, Greece and Israel

Please note the date has changed!

Please let Patricia know you are planning to come, and she will send you a Zoom link
for this meeting and any future meetings.
Patricia’s email is

We will have a break during the meeting, which is 2 ½ hours long.

We are inviting proposals for the agenda.

Please send your proposals to the steering group.
You can also post them on the EFA email discussion list for pre-assembly discussions.
Here is the link.

Please remember to bring your coloured spectrum cards for decision-making, or you can make a set if you don’t have them.
(Discussion cardsPink: I have a proposal; Yellow: I need more information; Blue: I need someone to listen to me; White: let’s take a pause.)
(Decision cardsGreen: I agree; Orange: I propose an amendment; Red, I don’t agree to the proposal in its present form.

Here are the agenda items we have so far:

  1. Agree last year’s minutes from Aegina May 2019. See them here: European Focusing Association Annual Meeting May 2019 Also, here:
  2. In the account of last year’s meeting from Judy Moore, there is also mention of all the interest groups that were formed and it’s a good reminder of what was proposed. See the attached document in (1) (above).
  3. Decide on next year’s meeting. Our place has been held at The Villa Anagram San Giuseppe, Bassano del Grappa in Northern Italy for 8 – 10 October 2021. We need to agree if we want to go, if conditions allow.
  4. Hejo Feuerstein and Aukja Strandstra discussed and approved in 2017 in Abbano the EFA minimal standards which they developed for Focusing-Oriented Coaching (FoC). Now they want to accredit a FoC Training program by the Ger DFG/German Focusing Association, submitted by Heidrun Essler, Dietmar Steinbach and Hejo Feuerstein. Participants should get the certificate „European Focusing-oriented Coach“ (EFA/DFG). The translated Program submitted for approval is attached. The approval should be checked by the concordance with the EFA  standards 2017. Read the translated Program here: FoCoaching TrainingProgram_EN en
  5. Web site. Sari has offered to work with Nikos to keep the web site updated. She is looking for some EFA people to create an interest group to brainstorm ideas for the web site, in collaboration with Nikos. Also Nikos is willing to relinquish his role as webmaster, if someone can take over the web site who knows well the backend of WordPress. If you have IT and marketing skills, you would be especially welcome to join this group.
  6. Steering group update. We have been meeting throughout the year. We undertook to find a venue for our 2020 gathering, which has now been postponed. We have initiated an email discussion list, sent out several newsletters, and initiated a monthly EFA members meeting which is open to all.
  7. Proposal to create European supervision groups within EFA. Hejo is willing to take this forward.

The steering group will accept further proposals and items for the agenda.
Please let us know.
You can also discuss any ideas via the email discussion list.

A reminder that you can join or post to the list here.

Best wishes
The steering group

Fiona Parr, Patricia Foster, Hejo Feuerstein, Judy Moore,
Cornelius Gehrig, Lucy van Praag and Sari Pekki


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, September 2020

EFA newsletter September 2020

We are delighted to report that the recent EFA members gathering was a great success, and appreciated by those who attended. It was facilitated by Patricia Foster and Fiona Parr, and we had small groups and sharing in the whole group around the topic ‘What is EFA for you?’ Those who attended said they would like to meet regularly, and we have decided to meet on the first day of each month. Meeting on the 1st of the month means it will be a different day of the week, hopefully to include different people each time.

The next date is Thursday 1 October at 7pm – 8.30pm European time,
(6pm – 7.30pm UK time and 8pm – 9.30pm Greece and Israel time.)

Everyone is welcome, and you can suggest a theme that interests you.
It’s the same link.

Please let Patricia know you are planning to come,
and she will send you a Zoom link for this meeting and any future meetings.
Patricia’s email is

The steering group is proposing that Tuesday 1 December be the date for our general assembly meeting, where we make decisions about how we want EFA to go forward.
We are accepting items for the agenda, so please send us your requests.

You can also discuss any ideas via the email discussion list.
A reminder that you can join or post to the list here. .

Please join up, and create our community!
If you don’t see any emails once you have signed up, check your spam folder, especially if you have a hotmail account.


News from the Focusing Teachers group,
which has been meeting monthly for the last three years,
since we started it in Abano Terme in 2017.
Here is a brief update from some of our members.

From Ria van Haag

‘The teachers group is for me a playground where we can connect, interact and deepen our European Focusing friendship and profession.’

From Fiona Parr

‘I value this group hugely, because it gives me a sense of active participation on a European level. I work on my own and here is a way to feel connected and supported in my work as a Focusing teacher.’

From Freda Blob

‘Reflecting on three years of active commitment to the EFA teacher’s group, I want to highlight the benefits of this collegial intervision group that started with the EFA meeting Abano/Italy in 2017. Most of all, I feel that the continuity of our mutual exchange uplifts my work and stabilises my sense of international interconnection. And I wonder what I would have missed if not having checked in to our meetings regularly, when rare but wonderful inspiring words of Gendlin’s had been discussed and put into fresh meaning. This group is kept up by a nurturing spirit depending on each of the individuals coming together, when we tune in from the body before anything else is a topic, and accompany each other in our particular teaching journeys. Thanks to you all who keep it up!’

More about Freda Blob on

The teachers group is open for new members
and anyone who teaches Focusing is welcome to join.

We meet on the first Monday of the month, at 7pm – 8pm European time,
(6pm – 7pm UK time and 8pm – 9pm Greece, Finland and Israel time.)



The steering group
Fiona Parr, Patricia Foster, Hejo Feuerstein, Judy Moore,
Cornelius Gehrig, Lucy van Praag and Sari Pekki


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, July 2020

Dear EFA Member

We in the EFA steering group are bringing you news of how we can connect as a community in these uncertain times, and we invite your input and participation.

Hejo has sourced a translation facility for the newsletter, and for articles and information for the web site, so you can now read this in your own language. It’s

We are setting up a ‘many to many’ email discussion list, to facilitate communication between all EFA members. This is a big step forward, enabling anyone to post ideas, issues, requests, and to build a genuine European Focusing connection in Europe. You will be able to locate and connect with people who share your special interest, and your passion for Focusing. We hope it will be generative and create new possibilities for networking and collaboration.
Sari has kindly offered to moderate the list.

You can join or post to the list here:

Please join up, and create our community!

If you don’t see any emails once you have signed up, you may have to check your spam folder, especially if you have a hotmail account.

The Steering Group has decided to postpone the EFA Annual meeting due to the COVID-19 situation. The meeting will be held in Bassano del Grappa in Italy in October 2021. We will keep you informed about the details.

We are having a Zoom meeting, open to all EFA members. It is a chance to connect, and to carry forward our community, in many possible ways. We suggest that we have a Focusing and Listening process to get clarity about EFA and the work of Focusing in Europe.

You can also suggest a theme via the EFA discussion list, or direct to the steering group.

What would you like to see happen in an online meeting?

The date is Tuesday 1 September at 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm European time,
(6:00 pm – 7:30 pm UK time and 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm Greece and Israel time.)

Please let Patricia know you are planning to participate, and she will send you a Zoom link for this meeting and any future meetings.

We aim to set up an online meeting about 4 times a year.

Patricia’s email is

It will be nice to see you all.
It feels a long time since we met in Aegina, and in Loutraki.

Finally, great news!

The next International Focusing Conference will be in France in June 2022!

IFEF (Institut de Focusing d’Europe Francophone) has been organising summer schools each year in France for many years. Now they are ready to share their vibrant community with the world. All workshops will be in French and English. Something for us to look forward to!


Fiona Parr, Patricia Foster, Hejo Feuerstein,
Judy Moore, Cornelius Gehrig, Lucy Van Praag and Sari Pekki


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, February 2020

Dear European Focusing colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that we have secured a booking for the next EFA gathering

at Bassano del Grappa – in northern Italy, for 8 – 11 October 2020. (Rescheduled for October 2021 due to COVID-19 situation)

Bassano del Grappa Old Town and Ponte degli Alpini bridge, Veneto province, Italy

The venue is lovely. You can see more information here

THE VILLA ANGARAN SAN GIUSEPPE will be hosting us over the three days.

The Villa is located at

Via Ca’ Morosini, 41 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)

Tel. +39 331 418 72 84

For those who would like to stay on site, the rooms will be booked on a first come, first served basis as rooms on the premises are limited. Please read the entire email carefully for instructions on how to book yourself in as an EFA member.

(N.B. You might need to make use of Google translate as you browse through the website for the Villa Angaran San Giuseppe as they have recently upgraded their website and the option to translate in to English has not been reintroduced yet!)


Lunch and dinner are NOT included in the costs of the room and will need to be paid for separately at the time.

There is a good restaurant on the premises open to the public and to the other participants of the various social activities that take place there. This restaurant offers us the opportunity for shared meal times and caters to vegetarians and omnivores alike. Gluten and dairy free options can be arranged ahead of time. Breakfast is included already in the costing for the rooms.

There is also the option to eat out (together) in the old historical centre of Bassano.

Please email Lucy on if you are either vegetarian or gluten/dairy free so that we can notify the restaurant at the Villa Angaran San Giuseppe ahead of time.


Check in from 2 pm on Thursday afternoon with a shared dinner on the premises.

Check out of bedrooms by 11 am on Sunday.

We will close our meeting at 1 pm and lunch will be available on the premises for anyone who wishes to stay on.

For anyone who wants to arrive earlier and/or stay on longer these arrangements to book in for extra nights can be arranged by yourselves at the time of booking, or potentially added on later if availability allows.


Bassano del Grappa is reachable by train.

NB to check train times from wherever you are coming from. You can book online through this website or buy your ticket at the ticket office.

For those planning to fly, the closest airport is Venice Marco Polo airport.

To travel directly to the venue from Venice Marco Polo airport, you will need to travel to nearby MESTRE in order to change there for Bassano del Grappa. The easiest way to reach Mestre is to take the ATVO coach service which runs between the airport and the Mestre railway station. It’s a short and comfortable bus trip. Buses depart every hour. A total trip of 17 minutes and costs about EUR 8.00 Buy your ATVO ticket here >


In the Villa we have available to us

  • 10 single rooms each with it’s own private bathroom at a cost of €36 a night
  • 14 double rooms, each with its own private bathroom – at a discounted rate of €41 euros a night for singles
  • or at the full double rate of €60 euros for couples or two people sharing with twin beds.

Extra rooms AT THEIR NEARBY HOSTEL (Ostello Don Cremona):

The Hostel is located at

Number 6 Via Lorenzo Chini

This website is already in English and Italian and so easy to browse through.

We have seven more single rooms at the hostel at slightly lower prices. These rooms will be kept for us up until the end of May, after which, if not yet booked, we will lose them, so please do email Maria (see below) and make sure that you have your place paid for and reserved, either at the Villa or at the Hostel.

  • 2 of these singles come with a private bathroom at €31 a night
  • And 5 other single rooms which come with the use of a shared bathroom for €26 a night.

The listed costs of all of the different rooms covers bed and breakfast at both the Villa Angaran San Giuseppe and at the hostel (which is run by the same association as the Villa). The hostel is some 15 minutes or so walk away from the villa and also has the option to use a shared kitchen for those who prefer to self-cater. For people who would prefer an even more cost friendly option there are also shared dormitories at the hostel).

The Bassano del Grappa Hostel is located in Via Lorenzo Chini 6

By foot: From Bassano train station / bus: 1.4 km, 17 minutes.

The Villa is also reachable on foot – taking between 20 to 25 minutes from the train station. For those who would like to take a TAXI to the vIlla or the hostel this is the number to call:

Tel. 0039 (0)424567774):

The cost of a taxi from train station of Bassano del Grappa to the Villa Angaran San Giuseppe, Via Ca’ Morosini, 41

is between €7 and €10.

For those staying at the hostel:

The cost of a taxi from the train station of Bassano del Grappa to the Hostel Don Cremona, Via Chini, 6

is between 7 and €10.

To Book Your Accommodation

please DO NOT do it yourselves via the internet booking but via EMAIL to Maria Benedetta (who is lovely and speaks English) on

She or one of her colleagues will reply.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to ‘CC Sari Pekki in to your email to Maria Benedetta on

so that we know you are coming.

We have a special price for members of our group that you won’t get if you book online. Please include your name, that you are coming for the European Focusing Association meeting 8-11 October 2020, and your choice of room and exactly how many nights you will stay. Either Maria or one of her colleagues will respond by email.


We are imagining that we will be around 20 people:

Based on this estimation there is a single cost of €26 euros per person to be paid over and above the cost for the bedrooms. This cost covers the cost of the rental of the big room. Please add this amount to the cost of the three nights for whichever size room you are booking. Thank you.

Sending money abroad:

We are aware that banking charges can be costly when transferring funds across borders and Patricia suggests using a Borderless Account such as TRANSFERWISE. Patricia has found them to be very efficient and up to 8x cheaper than a bank. She suggests that you place into internet “transferwise”, to set up your account and follow the instructions which are very easy, alternatively, if you email her on she will send you a direct invitation/link to set up an account.

Looking forward to meeting with as many of you as can come.

Happy New Year!


Lucy and Fiona

on behalf of the Steering group

N.B. Let’s all of us please make sure to comb through this email for answers to our questions such that we can minimise the number of questions to Maria Bennedetta. Thank you!



European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, September 2019

Dear EFA members,

Here we are in the very last days of summer and we want to welcome you to the newsletter, with an invitation to look ahead with us in to the autumn and beyond.

A shift came with the meeting in Aegina – now there is a sense of a space opening up which feels good.

We would love to have you with us, in this next phase, so that we can all carry the EFA forward together. If you would like to take more of an active role within the EFA please know that your voice is welcome. We aim to publish an agenda on the EFA website in order to facilitate a larger participation from the EFA community. In this way people could see how they could get involved. All that is required in order to participate is to find something that you love and do it. Underpinning all of this is the richness of getting to know one another and the relationships and unforeseen possibilities that develop out of this reciprocity.

Below are some key areas of focus currently:

Making Focusing Findable

A Focusing Map of Europe

In Aegina, we focused on our aim to promote networking amongst European Focusing professionals; and also on how to make Focusing “findable” by those who’ve not yet discovered it.

With these goals in mind we hope to create a “map” of Focusing in Europe. Examples of some of the information that we are interested in includes:

  • Local, Regional, and National Focusing Organisations in your country
  • Leaders in the Focusing community: i.e. Focusing Trainers, Certifying Coordinators, and others
  • Changes and other practice groups
  • Training programmes
  • Workshop offerings
  • Summer schools
  • Regional and national conferences
  • Whatever else you might like to share!

This is a lot of information for any one individual to gather and so we are exploring efficient and fun ways to harvest this data and we will be in touch once we have chosen the method.

Questions about this project? Be in touch with Ruth Hirsch:

EFA meeting and AGM 2020

The gathering and AGM meeting in Aegina was such a successful event, and we want to meet again next year in 2020. We need a venue and a date! Do you want to host a gathering in your country? We are looking for a low cost venue ideally, to be inclusive. The guideline for the cost of participation per day is 35 Euros per person, which includes the cost of the venue, meeting room and bed and breakfast, excluding lunch, dinner and drinks. If you and your group would like to host, please let the steering group know.

Steering group participation

Some of us still finding our way in to how we can contribute within the steering group.

The different EFA working groups can send representatives who can be present within the steering group when you have something to say. In this way we can open up and make a more flexible organisation of the steering group. New and older working groups are always welcome.

The main focus of the steering group is to have a forum where we can talk about what is happening.

The European Focusing archive

The European Focusing archive is a project that is being envisioned by Hejo Feuerstein and Michael Callifronas, for non English papers to be hosted in their original languages. We would also like to make available some papers that have never before been published. If you have a paper that you would like to share for the archive, please send it to Hejo and Michael at and

There are already a lot of wonderful things on the web site, such as free resources, and a discussion list for thinking at the edge with colleagues about anything and everything. It’s a free forum to promote what you’re offering, and to see what other people are offering.

Donata Schoeller – Video

‘Felt Sense – a beautiful yet misleading term’
by Donata Schoeller

Just click on the image to follow the link to the video of Donata’s lecture from Loutraki,
which Nikos Kypriotakis (Greece) has transcribed,
with help from Christine Rehbok (from the Netherlands) and Joody Moore (UK).

May 10-14, 2018, Loutraki, GREECE
European Focusing Association (EFA)

To end, we are including here an excerpt from a poem by David Whyte as it speaks to our vision of the EFA as a place of belonging for Independent practitioners. We all belong to other organisations AND we are aware that there is something very special about the kind of belonging that can be found within a community of Focusers. This is the kind of belonging that we feel started to blossom in Aegina.

‘…This is the bright home
In which I live,
This is where
I ask
My friends
To come,
This is where I want
To love all the things
It has taken me so long to love.

There is no house
Like the house of belonging.’

(Excerpt from The house of Belonging, by David Whyte)

Warm greetings to all of you,

Fiona and Lucy on behalf of the steering group:

Hejo Feuerstein, Patricia Foster, Cornelius Gehrig
Sari Pekki, Judy Moore, Fiona Parr, Lucy Van Praag


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, June 2019


European Focusing Association (EFA) Annual Meeting

Agia Marina, Aegina, Greece
24-26th May 2019

Would you and some of your colleagues like to organise a Focusing ‘Biennale’ (a large gathering with workshops and presentations) for 2020 or 2021 in your own country?

Might you be willing to organise a smaller annual gathering for European Focusers for next year where the 2020 General Assembly can take place?

Would you like to take part in a publishing project? Take part in a Zoom meeting for EFA members? Be interested in participating in a project for online supervision? Share some of your thoughts on an email discussion list for European Focusers?

These are just some of the proposals that we now want to share with European Focusers after the annual EFA gathering that took place in Aegina, Greece from 24th-26th May.

The gathering of 21 Focusers from around the world had a very good atmosphere over the three days that we spent together. There was a spirit of real co-operation, which led to many offers being made that will be of distinct benefit to the European Focusing community. There was a clear wish for greater collaboration between individuals and groups, including making better use of the excellent website ( and the online facilities (e.g. Zoom for online meetings) that are now available to us. This move towards working together across borders is in keeping with the original aim of the Association to foster deeper connection and collaboration between European Focusers.

A Brief Account of the Meeting

The meeting took place over three days and ran from Friday evening to Sunday lunchtime.  There was group discussion, individual workshops and time for Focusing partnerships. We were welcomed by Pat Foster who had set up the meeting in Aegina and made the arrangement with the Hotel Magda where everyone stayed. The plenary meetings and the General Assembly were ably and thoughtfully facilitated by Cornelius Gehrig.

Individuals spoke about their different reasons for having come to the meeting.  These included a wish for connection with others, particularly by those who are isolated in their own country where there is little opportunity for face-to-face contact with other Focusers. Some participants were relatively new to the Focusing world while others had come to re-connect with old friends, to foster collaboration and to learn about more recent developments in the Focusing world in Europe and beyond.  Questions arose around how to develop Focusing after Gene’s death and how to preserve what is ‘precious’ in the approach.  Some participants were keen to share their work with others; others to experience the nourishment of being with other Focusers. All very much appreciated the beauty of the island of Aegina and the fact that we were staying in a comfortable and friendly hotel.

We were invited to consider these questions:

What am I here for? What is my spirit longing for? What do I need? What is essential? What do I wish to happen?

The key issue that faced all of us was how to bridge the irreconcilable paradox between wanting to open up the subtlety of European thinking to the rest of world and the ‘heaviness’ of trying to form an organisation. Can we be a European Focusing ‘Movement’ that actually ‘moves’?

Workshops and discussion groups were offered by participants on the Saturday and Sunday mornings of the gathering on such topics as Wholebody Focusing without words, compassion training and emotional regulation and the teaching of Focusing; Ria van Hage guided some of us in a transformative constellation around past EFA difficulties and how things might carry forward more constructively for the future. Early on Saturday afternoon Campbell Purton led a lively philosophical discussion on approaching Focusing from the perspective of ‘people and situations’, making reference to how the post-Cartesian mind/ body split has had a negative impact on how Focusing is approached and understood.

The general discussions around how EFA might move forward dovetailed into a more formal General Assembly that took place on the Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning of the gathering.

As our time together drew to a close, grateful thanks were expressed to Cornelius Gehrig for his facilitation of the group process, to Pat Foster for her warm welcome, for organising the hotel and the evening meals, to Heidrun Essler for her efficient gathering and organisation of all the topics that arose for workshops and discussion, to Fiona Parr and Ruth Hirsch and Ria van Hage for leading the attunements.

Matters arising from the General Assembly

The notes from the General Assembly are posted online here  The key issues that we would most like input from EFA members on are these:

As yet nobody has come forward to organise a large gathering for next year (we had agreed in Loutraki that we should have a bi-annual large gathering).  Different formats were suggested and there was a general concern that the use of the word ‘conference’ generates specific (and very high) expectations.  The term ‘European Focusing Biennale’ was proposed as a less stressful (and potentially more unconventional) version of a larger gathering. Realistically, it may be that a larger gathering can’t be organised in time for next year, but what we urgently need is a local group who are willing to organise some kind of gathering for 2020.

So- as we said at the outset of this newsletter- might you be willing and in a position to organise a large or a small gathering for next year (2020)? If so, please can you let us know by writing to by the end of August at the latest.

Other ideas/ plans you might be interested in

Several other proposals were made for how we might come together in different and more creative ways:

Would you be interested in working with Michael Callifronas ( and Hejo Feuerstein ( on publishing projects?  If so, please contact either Michael or Hejo directly by email.

Would you be interested in online group supervision for your Focusing practice? If so, please contact Hejo Feuerstein directly (

Do you know of Focusers- especially Focusers who are not affiliated to TIFI in Europe who might be ‘placed’ on a Focusing Map of Europe that is being prepared by Ruth Hirsch? If so, please contact Ruth Hirsch directly (

Would you be interested in participating in a Zoom meeting set up for discussion between European Focusers? Ruth Hirsch has offered to co-ordinate such a meeting and please contact her directly (

Florian Christensen has offered to collect information about what is happening with different Focusers in Europe so if you have information that you would like to share please write to Florian (

Are you a Focusing teacher? Would you like to be part of a group of Focusing teachers in Europe? They meet monthly online for inspiration and connection amongst colleagues.  Please contact Fiona Parr (

There was also a proposal to set up an email discussion list for European focusers and this will be set up in a few weeks’ time and you will be notified when this is ready.

It has always been intended that EFA should be a ‘ground upwards’ rather than a ‘top down’ organisation and there was great energy and enthusiasm for moving forward in this way in Aegina.  We very much hope that some of the proposals made there will carry forward over the coming months.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The Steering Group

Hejo Feuerstein, Patricia Foster, Cornelius Gehrig, Nikos Kypriotakis, Judy Moore, Lucy Van Praag


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, January 2019


Dear EFA Member,

!!!!  happy new year  !!!!

! May all you have good health and a light delighted heart !

Reminder: 15 January deadline
for discounted Aegina booking

Several of you have already booked your room for the EFA Annual gathering in Aegina. The low-cost rooms that have been set aside for us are only guaranteed to be available up to 15th January and this is a reminder that you need to book soon. Although bookings can be taken after that date, the cost of the rooms is likely to increase.

What will happen at the annual gathering?

Some of you have asked what form the gathering in Aegina will take. This meeting will resemble the one which took place in Abano, Italy in 2016 where around 30 of us came together to share ideas and practice, sometimes in a larger ‘community’ group (where some of the participants led sessions for the whole group) and sometimes in smaller ‘interest’ groups. The EFA General Assembly will also take place at some point.

The steering group will take responsibility for setting up a framework for the gathering and will facilitate its self-organisation.

We are pleased to announce that Frans Depestele has agreed that we might let participants know that he will be present in Aegina. Others who have registered might be willing to offer a presentation that represents their current academic thinking; others might like to offer workshops on their own areas of expertise.

The aim is for everyone to feel empowered to make offerings that fit their own areas of interest/ expertise, including leading attunements and group facilitation. With participants’ agreement, we will share the names of those who have registered at the end of January.

An example of an ‘interest’ group that first came together in Abano- and how participants have continued to work successfully- is the ‘Teaching Group’. Fiona Parr has kindly written a short report about the Teaching Group which is now available on the EFA website and here are some extracts from Fiona’s report to give a sense of how the group works:

“Online meetings
We have been meeting regularly since Abano, with everyone in the group continuing to be committed to it. Sari Pekki joined us after meeting us at the Loutraki Conference. We start the short meeting with a check in and sharing, to build our group and our connections with each other.

Our current project
We have been sharing our teaching programmes, by sending a summary to the whole group, and now we are taking a turn each to share at the meeting, and to answer questions from the group. This may evolve into guidelines for teachers, or creating standards for EFA. There is nothing definite yet about this.

What makes this group work
We share this special way of working with Focusing; teaching Focusing to groups. We have a common view, even though we work in very different ways. It’s not FOT. It’s about empowering individuals, groups and communities to find Focusing and to practice it in their own lives. We are working with professionals to enable them to integrate Focusing in their work. We teach Focusing partnership, and Focusing as a method for professionals with applications in multiple ways.

How do I book my place in Aegina?

Details of the Hotel Magda on Aegina and how to book your stay can be found on the EFA website. The special section that gives booking details can be found at

The special discounted rate (42.50 Euros for two people sharing a double room) is available to participants and their partners/ families both before and after the meeting.

Please note that bookings should be made directly with Pantelis Lalaounis ( at the Hotel Magda. We also ask you to copy your booking with your name and dates of stay to Patricia Foster on the EFA gmail account ( A 50 Euro deposit for each room is requested.

Sending all good wishes for 2019,

The EFA Steering Group:
Hejo Feuerstein, Patricia Foster, Cornelius Gehrig
Nikos Kypriotakis, Judy Moore, Fiona Parr, Lucy Van Praag


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, December 2018


Season’s Greetings!

We are writing to let you know that more of this year’s EFA conference videos are now available online and also to remind you about the annual gathering that will take place in Aegina, Greece at the end of May 2019.

Conference Videos

The most recent video to be prepared for viewing is Mia Leijssen’s presentation,Living Forward: The challenge of carrying forward Gendlin’s legacy”. The presentation has been divided into Part 1, a meditative exercise led by Mia ) and Part 2, the lecture itself

The three other videos that are so far available are:
Campbell Purton: “A new approach to understanding Focusing”
Frans Depestele: “A process theory of physical illness: medicine and psychotherapy”
Christiane Geiser & Judy Moore: “Beyond Rogers, Beyond Gendlin: Widening our Understanding of the Theory”

We hope you will enjoy watching these presentations. They not only give a taste of conference but also an idea of some of the thinking around Focusing that is taking place in Europe at this time. All the videos are have subtitles so that it is easy to follow the text.

Please share these links with colleagues.

EFA Annual Meeting and Gathering 2019

As we have already announced, the next EFA Annual Meeting will take place in Aghia Marina, Aegina, Greece. This meeting is a gathering where EFA members can come together to share their work and ideas and the annual EFA General Assembly will also take place at some point.

The meeting will be held at the Magda Hotel from 24.5.2019 – 26.5.2019. The link to the hotel’s website is

As this is not a conference (i.e. there will be no pre-planned programme), there will be no conference fee and the only costs are for accommodation. You will need to book directly with the hotel.

Special discounted rates have been arranged by for the EFA meeting and all prices include breakfast. The costs are as follows:

Single room € 36.50 B/B (all taxes included)
Double room € 42.50 B/B (all taxes included)
Triple room € 62.50 B/B (all taxes included)
Please note that there is only one triple room available.

The Magda hotel has 30 rooms only (including the one triple room) but should we require more rooms for participants, there is another hotel nearby (a 3 minute walk away), that can accommodate other guests. This second hotel will be slightly more expensive, so we recommend early booking.

All bookings and payments should be made directly to the hotel and they require a €50. DEPOSIT PER ROOM (not per person if you are booking a double room).

Bookings are to be made by 15.1.2019 at the latest.

Banking details are as follows:

IBAN: GR2901102410000024100163492

IBAN: GR4601721240005124085373527



Kindly note that booking and payment should be made directly with and to the hotel via email:

Contact Person: Pantelis Lalaounis
Email address :


At the same time as confirming your booking with Hotel Magda, you are kindly requested to cc your booking with your name(s) and dates of stay to Patricia Foster through the EFA gmail account

The reason for this is simply that Patricia Foster, who has arranged the hotel, can monitor if we need any additional rooms for participants and of course keep a list of participants attending.

Warm greetings from The EFA Steering Group
and we look forward to seeing many of you in Aegina in 2019!

Hejo Feuerstein (Germany), Patricia Foster (UK/ Greece)
Cornelius Gehrig (Germany), Nikos Kypriotakis (Greece)
Judy Moore (UK), Fiona Parr (UK), Lucy Van Praag (Italy, UK)


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, November 2018


Dear EFA member,

We are pleased to announce the next EFA Annual Meeting will take place in Aghia Marina, Aegina, Greece.
This meeting is a gathering where EFA members can come together to share their work and ideas
and the annual EFA General Assembly will also take place at some point.

The meeting will be held at the Magda Hotel from 24.5.2019 – 26.5.2019.
The link to the hotel’s website is

As this is not a conference (i.e. there will be no pre-planned programme),
there will be no conference fee and the only costs are for accommodation.
You will need to book directly with the hotel.

If you want to stay at the Hotel Magda
before the meeting or extend your stay after the meeting
the same discounted rate will apply.

Aghia Marina, Aegina, Greece

Special discounted rates have been arranged by for the EFA meeting and all prices include breakfast.

The costs are as follows:
Single room € 36.50 B/B (all taxes included)
Double room € 42.50 B/B (all taxes included)
Triple room € 62.50 B/B (all taxes included)

Please note that there is only one triple room available.

Please note the hotel has 30 rooms only (including the one triple room)
but should  we require more rooms for participants, there is another hotel nearby (a 3 minute walk away),
that can accommodate other guests.

This second hotel will be slightly more expensive, so we recommend early booking.

Read more about bookings & payments
and travel arrangements at 
EFA Meetings

Looking forward to meeting you in Aegina
the Steering Group

Hejo Feuerstein (Germany), Patricia Foster (UK/Greece)
Cornelius Gehrig (Germany), Nikos Kypriotakis (Greece)
Judy Moore (UK), Fiona Parr (UK), Lucy Van Praag (Italy/UK)


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, October 2018


Dear EFA Member,

We are writing with an update on some issues that were discussed in our recent Steering Group Zoom meeting.

Venue for The Next ‘Small’ European Annual Gathering

As you know, it was decided at this year’s General Assembly that we would alternate larger ‘conferences’ (such as we had at Loutraki this year) with a smaller gathering that would operate more on the ‘Open Space’ principle where members come together in an unstructured way to network and work together on joint projects. It has been suggested that TAE would be useful in this process and that perhaps the gathering could take place over three days.

Patricia Foster has kindly offered to host the annual gathering on the Greek island of Aegina and has considerable experience of organising events there. She has already looked into and come up with good possibilities for accommodation.

But it has also been pointed out that travel to Greece is not viable for everyone who would like to attend the annual gathering and so we wanted to ask if anyone (or any small group) are willing to organise a gathering further north in Europe? Please can you let us know if you are willing to take on this responsibility by responding directly to this email.

It is not simply a matter of where people want to go, but who is actually willing to do the organising. Once we know if there are viable alternatives to Aegina we can then discuss the options that have been put forward.

Development of the Website
Special webpage for articles, projects, research, etc.

The EFA website is in the process of being developed by Nikos. A special page can be created where we could have links to what individuals have done/ written – articles, projects, etc. It would also be great to have updates from the Interest Groups from Loutraki (and elsewhere).

The possibility of an online publication was also discussed and more detail on this will follow.

As you will know, one of the videos has already been put on the website and is available on YouTube with subtitles and others will follow shortly… [link:]

Changes to the Steering Group

Tine Swyngedouw has decided that for personal reasons she needs to step down from the Steering Group at for now but hopes to be back later. We will miss her!

Autumn greetings,
The Steering Group


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, June 2018

Dear EFA Friends,

Many thanks to those of you who have renewed your membership of EFA and we welcome our new members, many of whom joined EFA at the very successful ‘Facets of Focusing’ conference that took place in Loutraki in Greece (10th- 14th May 2018). We now want to share with you some of the riches that came from the conference, which you can find on the conference website (

Presentations and Workshops

If you go to the ‘Sharing(s)’ page of the website ( you will find the full texts of some of the conference lectures, including those of Frans Depestele, Mia Leijssen and Campbell Purton. You will also find some of the workshop Powerpoints which will give you some idea of the rich and varied content of the workshops. We hope to add more texts as they become available.

Several of the lectures were videoed and these will be made available in due course through a specially-created YouTube channel.

The General Assembly and the Interest Groups

At the top of the ‘Sharing(s)’ page you will also find notes from the General Assembly and feedback from the newly-formed or already-existing ‘Interest groups’ (by clicking ‘Agenda Items and Feedback from Interest Groups’). The main decision taken by the General Assembly was to invest all proceeds from the conference into the development of the Website as a resource for Focusers in Europe and beyond.

Interest Groups that reported back to the General Assembly include: ‘What brings us aliveness?’; ‘Spirituality in Life through/ with Focusing’; ‘Wholebody Focusing and Heartfelt Conversation’; ‘Coaching’; ‘Issues of Racism in Everyday Life’; ‘Laughter and Humour in Focusing’; ‘Teaching Focusing’; ‘The subversive potential of Focusing Activism’ – now re-named‘Safety in the Open Air: A Focusing Space for Difficult Conversations’ (this group can be joined on Facebook); ‘young people and Focusing’; ‘identity politics through inner relationship Focusing’.

Contact details for these groups for anyone who is interested in joining any of them can be found on the relevant section of the ‘Sharing(s)’ page.

Greg Madison has also asked if a group of Focusing Oriented Therapists would be interested in taking over and developing the Focusing Therapy website ( Someone within the group would need to be familiar with basic WordPress. If you are interested in engaging in this particular project please contact Greg Madison directly (

Conference Report

A summary of some of the conference themes- some of the different ‘facets of focusing’ that were explored- and participants’ responses to their conference experience can be found by scrolling down the page (beneath the link to the ‘Sharing(s)’) on the ‘News’ page ( (direct link:

Other Thoughts…

Ideas that have developed since the conference include a proposal to develop a Eugene Gendlin Research Network as well as starting a (European) (online) publishing project and developing a Learning Managment System functionality for the EFA website.

We very much hope that together we will keep finding ways to carry forward
the wonderful potential for mutual support and learning that was so evident amongst us at the Conference in Loutraki.

With our best regards,
Cornelius, Fiona, Hejo, Judy, Lucy, Nikos, Pat, Tine

(the Steering Group)


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

Before this Newsletter also the following e-mails had been sent to EFA mailing list

Reminder for Early Bird Rate – Newsletter 2018/1(first) by the European Focusing Association (EFA) – 17 January 2018
The 1st European Focusing Conference and the Hotel are now fully booked! – 30 January 2018
EFA GDPR Consent e-mail (again) – This time made easier for you – 19 May 2018
Manage your subscription to EFA mailing lists – 23 May 2018


EFA newsletter, May 2018


Dear member of EFA (European Focussing Association) mailing list

this time we hope we are making even easier for you
to re-subscribe to the EFA mailing list.

To conform to the upcoming changes in the European Union data protection law,
known as the GDPR,
we’ve updated our Privacy Policy and End-User License Agreement (Website Notice).
The new regulation gives us all greater transparency, security, and control of our personal data.

We’re ready to send you emails from EFA
(and from the 1st European Conference website, via, as before),
but first we need you to confirm that this is what you really want.

Because of this change in the law please opt in
to continue to hear all the latest news from us.


It is now possible for you to ‘sign up’ (anew)
to receive newsletters and general mailings from EFA
by using the “Get newsletter” form at the bottom (“the footer”) of the EFA webpage

There anyone can give their First Name, Last Name and E-mail
and, then, press the ’submit’ button.


You can also ‘unsubscribe’ from receiving mailings at any time
by using the next form “Unsubscribe from EFA mailing lists”,
by simply giving your e-mail address and then pressing ‘unsubscribe’.

We hope this is clear.

It will mean that you can engage or dis-engage
from EFA mailings at any time.

What these functions look like on the website is pasted here below.
Visit the EFA website and then scroll down to the footer of the page to find them.

If you do not want to continue to receive mailings from us,
you may also simply ignore this message.

Without your permission, we won’t be able to send you any of our helpful communications
about the Focusing world after May 25th, 2018.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and for being
a part of the EFA community!

Remember, you can always opt out or change your personal data.

If you have any question or concerns, we are happy to help.
Simply reply to this email (

Thank you very much!

Nikos & Judy


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, December 2017

European Focusing Association Conference 2018

2nd announcement

The European Focusing Association (EFA) is pleased to invite you to attend
the first European Focusing Conference

Facets of Focusing

May 10-14, 2018

Loutraki, Greece

Hotel Pappas

This, our first European conference, will provide an opportunity to gather to celebrate the life and work of Eugene Gendlin and to experience some of the many ‘Facets of Focusing’.

We invite you, whatever your Focusing background – relative beginner, Focusing teacher, therapist – to join with us to share knowledge and focus together in the beautiful seaside resort of Loutraki.

Our aim is to be inclusive of all ‘facets’. You might be inspired by how Focusing can filter into different aspects of life. You might be new to Focusing and want to learn more about how it can be taught and practised at a basic level. You might want to explore how Focusing can become a force for change in such areas as politics, art or social work. You might want to reflect on how it can be integrated into the practice of different therapies or into other professional trainings, such as Coaching. You might wish to share your fascination with the philosophical foundations of Focusing or its origins in the Person-Centred Approach. Whatever your level of interest, we hope that we can together create an enjoyable, enriching and inspiring learning environment.

EFA 2018

The Programme

A full conference timetable will be sent out in the New Year and will include workshops, lectures, discussion panels- and, of course, time for focusing exchange.

Registration will be between 14:00-17:00 h on Thursday 10th May and departure after midday on Monday 14th May.


As well as honouring the different ‘facets of Focusing’ we want to acknowledge the language differences within our European community. Although the language of the conference is English, we hope that language barriers can be overcome by volunteers who are prepared to offer translation for their own language group.


For those who wish to take part in carrying the European Focusing Association forward into the future all are invited to participate in the EFA General Assembly that will take place towards the end of the conference. Time will also be made for EFA project and interest groups throughout the conference.

Optional Excursions

We want to make sure that participants have the opportunity to visit the sites of this beautiful part of Greece and (if there is enough interest) half-day excursions may be arranged to:

Argolis (Mycenae – Epidaurus) and/or Nafplio

  • The ancient city of Mycenae (a world heritage monument and archaeological site, home to the kingdom of mythical Agamemnon) was a major centre of Greek civilization.
  • The ancient theatre of Epidaurus (a Unesco world heritage listed monument) is reputed to be the birthplace of Apollo’s son Asklepios, the healer, and was the most celebrated healing centre of the classical world. Epidaurus is probably most famous for its theatre, one of the best preserved classical Greek buildings and still used today due to its amazing acoustics.
  • Nafplio is a very beautiful city. It was the first capital of modern Greece with its Venetian fortress (Palamidi) and the fortified islet of Burtzi.

(or) Tour through the Corinth canal

Participation in these excursions is optional and the cost for them is not included in the conference fee. We will try, however, to keep costs as low as possible and more details will be sent out later.

A ‘Greek evening’ will most probably be incorporated into the Programme.


Registration needs to be done in two stages.

First of all, you need to register for the conference with the Hellenic Focusing Center:

Early Bird Rates (before 31 January)

  • Regular Conference fee (before 31 January) 200 Euros: Includes conference fee for the whole conference and materials.
  • For Students or the Unemployed (before 31 January)*140 Euros: Includes conference fee for the whole conference and materials.
  • One-day participation (before 31 January) 70 Euros: Includes conference fee for one day and materials.

Conference Fees after 31 January

  • Regular Conference fee (after 31 January) 250 Euros: Includes conference fee for the whole conference and materials.
  • For Students or the Unemployed (after 31 January)*180 Euros: Includes conference fee for the whole conference and materials.
  • One-day participation (after 31 January) 80 Euros: Includes conference fee for one day and materials.

* For Students and Unemployed Participants proof of their current studies or unemployed status is required.

For any questions, regarding your registration to the conference, please contact the Hellenic Focusing Center (HFC) at

Then you need to book separately with the Hotel Pappas, who have offered very favourable rates for conference delegates.
The price given below covers accommodation for all 4 nights of the conference. The cost of accommodation with Hotel Pappas is a special offer made to us for the conference and is a very good deal. If you wish to stay for less than the four nights of the conference then the hotel’s usual rates will apply, such as those to be found through booking websites (e.g. Additional nights may also be charged at the hotel’s usual rates. You will need to make your own arrangement directly with the hotel.

Single Room 180 Euros per person
Double Room 132 Euros per person
Triple Room 120 Euros per person
The cost includes accommodation, breakfast, lunch, evening meal.

The price for tea/coffee during breaks is an extra 16 Euros for the whole conference.
(i.e. this is on top of the fees quoted above, to be paid on arrival at the Hotel or as agreed with the Hotel).

To book with the hotel you need to email them at and state:

  • Your name
  • The name of the conference (‘European Focusing Conference’)
  • Whether you wish to occupy a single/ double/ or triple room
  • The number of people who will occupy the room
  • The cost of the room for the 4 nights of the conference (as stated above) (you need to arrange fewer nights or additional nights directly with the hotel)

Then the Hotel will guide you through the rest of the booking process.

Important: Please do NOT use the Hotel website ‘contact form’ and do NOT press the ‘Book now!’ Button. These do not work and are not needed for the booking process. The Hotel Pappas website is

(The ‘Early Bird’ rate and cancellation fees apply only to registration wich will be handled by the Hellenic Focusing Center. EFA and the Hellenic Focusing Center are not responsible for the hotel or its policies and procedures.)

This is a ‘not for profit’ conference and we have tried to keep costs as low as possible to make sure that it is an affordable and inclusive event.

Please visit the weblink: for more details regarding registrations.

For information about transportation from the Athens International Airport to the Hotel please follow the weblink:

Call for Papers and Workshops

Many leading practitioners have already committed to be present at the conference, including Campbell Purton whose Person-Centred Therapy: The Focusing-Oriented Approach has recently been translated and published in Greek.

We are calling for presentations from participants to share our experiences, practices, hopes and ideas. We ask you to submit your abstract as soon as possible or by the end of 28 February 2018. Abstracts may be accepted up until the end of March 2018, if there is still room in the conference timetable.

For submissions, please visit the following weblink:

We hope to see you all in May!

Let’s make it a success!

Facets of ​Focusing

Local Committee
Patricia Foster (Greece/UK), Anna Karali (Greece)
Nikos Kypriotakis (Greece)
Dimitris Portokalis (Greece), Pavlos Zarogiannis (Greece)

European Committee
Hejo Feuerstein (Germany), Maria Emanuela Galanti (MEG) (Italy)
Judy Moore (UK), Edit Selmeczi (Hungary)

an EFA event


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, November 2017

First announcement

The First European Focusing Conference
Facets of Focusing

Thursday 10th May- Monday 14th May 2018

Loutraki, Greece

The European Focusing Association (EFA) is pleased to invite you to:

The First European Focusing Conference:
Facets of Focusing
Thursday 10th May- Monday 14th May 2018
Loutraki, Greece

This conference is an opportunity for us to celebrate the life of Eugene Gendlin,
to gather and reflect on the different facets of focusing, through workshops, lectures and interest groups.
We will also have plenty of space to enjoy being together in a more leisurely way.

The venue is a hotel in the beautiful seaside resort of Loutraki,
with a direct suburban rail link to Athens airport.
Single, double and triple rooms will be available.

Check this website again soon to be updated with further details.

Save the dates!

Let’s make it a success!

Visit The Hotel Website

Pappas Hotel

Facets of ​Focusing…

The changing face (the changing faces) of Focusing…

Local Committee
Patricia Foster (Greece/UK), Anna Karali (Greece)
Nikos Kypriotakis (Greece)
Dimitris Portokalis (Greece), Pavlos Zarogiannis (Greece)

European Committee
Hejo Feuerstein (Germany), Maria Emanuela Galanti (MEG) (Italy)
Judy Moore (UK), Edit Selmeczi (Hungary)


an EFA event


European Focusing Association (EFA)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

EFA newsletter, October 2017

Dear EFA Friends,

We are happy to report that we had a very successful gathering of EFA members in Italy from 29 September- 1 October. Around twenty of us met in the beautiful monastic setting of Abano Terme, near Padua, and spent time together enjoying workshop presentations and forming interest groups around different topics as well as taking part in our General Assembly on the Sunday morning. For this we were joined by four Zoom participants who could also take part in the decision-making processes.

There was a real sense of energy and ‘new life’ at the General Assembly and all decisions were made according to a ‘card system’, introduced by Fiona Parr. A full account of what was discussed (and decided) at the General Assembly can be found in the report that has now been posted on the EFA website at It includes feedback from various interest groups that had met the previous day. These include a new ‘Focusing Teachers’ group’, a group on ‘Focusing for Social Action and Cultural Change’ and a ‘Focusing Oriented coaching group’. Discussions also took place about how to accredit programmes through EFA and other organisational issues were also raised and addressed.

But the most exciting news to come from the meeting is that there will be a European Focusing Conference in Greece next year!!! We look forward to more details of this event from our Greek colleagues, but we are very grateful for their commitment to carry the life of Focusing in Europe and EFA forward in this way.

We also invited new members to join the existing steering group and a new group has now been formed, encompassing members from Italy and Hungary as well as Belgium, Germany, Greece and the UK. We are sorry to lose Pavlos Zarogiannis from the steering group, but look forward to seeing him again next year in Greece.

And, finally, here is some feedback from some of the Abano participants:

‘It was so good to be in touch – again or first time – with so many focusing people from so many countries in Europe, to meet, to share, to exchange and to work together. The combination of interest groups, workshops and the assembly works well for me, as does the beautiful location with lovely people!’ (Ria van Hage, Netherlands)

‘My sense of my first EFA meeting, feeling solidly effervescent. It was a great pleasure to meet focusers from other countries and I left with a bubbling feeling that something is beginning to gel and form.’ (Pat Foster, Greece/UK)

‘For me it was a slow process of coming to experience the importance and relevance of what we were doing. But when we got to use the cards that Fiona had printed, wow! My first participated assembly that came smoothly to smooth conclusions was there in front of me and I in it !!!’ (Meg Galanti, Italy)

We’ll be in touch again with more news on the Greek conference and other developments.

Warm greetings from the Steering Group…

(Bruna BlandinoCaterina Carta, Meg Galanti)  (Italy)
(these three will be present at meetings on a rotating basis)
Hejo Feuerstein (Germany), Patricia Foster (Greece/UK)
Cornelius Gehrig (Germany/Switzerland), Nikos Kypriotakis (Greece)
Judy Moore (UK), Fiona Parr (UK),  Edit Selmeczi (Hungary)
Tine Swyngedouw (Belgium), Lucy Van Praag (Italy/UK)

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

Find participants from all over Europe ready to share their experience with Focusing and Focusing applications, co-creating new European projects.

European Focusing Association

EFA Networking Meetings

EFA (European Focusing Association) is a European network for Focusers, Focusing professionals and Focusing practitioners, who wish to develop Focusing and the Experiential Approach through collaboration, openness and mutual support.

Dear EFA members,

We are getting very close to our annual meeting and making plans for it to be as enjoyable and inclusive as possible.

If you are planning to offer a workshop in Abano can you please be prepared to take a few minutes to present an outline of your workshop to the larger group so that participants can make a choice about which workshop they would like to attend on Saturday afternoon?  We will be just over 20 participants in all so it may be that not all of the workshops will actually happen, but we hope you will be prepared to make your offering anyway.



For those of you who are not able to be present we are hoping to set up a Zoom link so that you can participate in the Sunday morning General Assembly.  For this you would need to set up Zoom on your computer and let us know your email address in advance so that you could be invited in to the meeting.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Abano, either in person or by Zoom.

It looks a wonderful venue and we hope to have an enjoyable time as well as make good plans for our EFA future.

All good wishes,

Fiona, Hejo, Judy, Meg, Nikos, Pavlos, Tine

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

Find participants from all over Europe ready to share their experience with Focusing and Focusing applications, co-creating new European projects.

European Focusing Association

EFA Networking Meetings

EFA (European Focusing Association) is a European network for Focusers, Focusing professionals and Focusing practitioners, who wish to develop Focusing and the Experiential Approach through collaboration, openness and mutual support.

Dear Friends,

Some of you have already made your booking for our gathering at Abano Terme, near Padua, for the nights of 29th and 30th September and we are delighted that you can join us. There are still rooms available for those who haven’t already booked. Details of how to make a booking at this stage are given below.

What do I do to book now?

We have now received enough bookings to have been able to make a deposit to the venue.
If you haven’t already booked and would like to join us, please write a short email to this address and let us know:

  • your name
  • whether you would like a single, double or triple room (please arrange your own share)


  • whether you would like to stay any extra nights before or after Friday 29th and Saturday 30th September.
    If you would like to stay extra nights please let us know the dates and whether you want half-board (bed and breakfast and one other meal) or full board (all meals). It is likely that you will be charged more for meals than the agreed price of 10 Euros a meal, which is the cost per person for group buffet meals during the main gathering.

Your details will be passed on to the venue at Abano and you will not need to pay until you arrive there. The costs of accommodation are detailed below.

Prices for 2 nights’ accommodation (per person), plus dinner on Friday evening, 3 meals on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday are as follows:

  • 128 Euros for a single room.
  • 118 Euros for a shared double room.
  • 112 Euros for a 3-4 person room.

An additional 1.5 Euros per day will be charged as tax and there will be a further charge for meeting room hire.

What if I’ve already booked and want to add extra nights?

Let us know by writing to this address and your request will be passed on to Albano Terme. You will not need to pay for the extra nights until you arrive at the venue.
Please let us know :

  • your name
  • which extra nights you want to book
  • whether you need full board (all meals) or half-board (breakfast and one other meal only)

You will not need to pay for the extra nights until you arrive at the venue. It is likely that you will be charged more for meals than the agreed price of 10 Euros a meal, which is the cost per person for group buffet meals during the main gathering.

What if I’ve already booked extra nights?

You don’t need to do anything at this stage, but be prepared to pay a little more for meals than during the main group meeting.
If you didn’t let us know whether you want half-board (bed and breakfast and one other meal) or full-board (all meals) it would be helpful if you could add this information by sending a further email.

What will happen at the gathering?

There are many things to discuss as we work out where we are going and how we can operate most effectively as a loosely-formed (and still forming) organisation. We are still very much in the early stages of this project and we welcome your input – and offers of help – for how best to carry Focusing forward in Europe. Thoughts and offers for hosting a 2018 gathering – maybe a ‘summer school’, maybe even a ‘European Focusing Conference’ – would be particularly welcome!

We will meet as a whole group on the Friday evening and again on Saturday morning. After that there will be space for the formation of interest groups and for deeper discussion of specific topics.

There are also some wonderful workshop options for the Saturday afternoon of our gathering, which you can find on the ‘meetings’ section of the EFA website:

On Sunday morning, we hope to gather thoughts and ideas – including those arising from the interest groups – for how best to carry our Association forward into the future. The beginnings of a discussion around some of this can be found on the website at topic/annual-meeting-in-abano-terme-padua-2017/

Details of how to get to the venue are available on the website. If you have specific queries it might take a few days to get back to you. The putting-together of this small gathering involves collaboration between Germany, Greece, Italy, Belgium and the UK and this can lead to things taking more time than if we were a single organiser.

So, with apologies for any past and future delays in communication, we anticipate that all will come right in the end, and look forward very much to seeing as many of you as possible at Abano Terme.

Warm greetings,

Fiona, Hejo, Judy, Meg, Nikos, Pavlos, Tine

Therme San Marco
Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

Find participants from all over Europe ready to share their experience with Focusing and Focusing applications, co-creating new European projects.

European Focusing Association

EFA Networking Meetings

EFA (European Focusing Association) is a European network for Focusers, Focusing professionals and Focusing practitioners, who wish to develop Focusing and the Experiential Approach through collaboration, openness and mutual support.

Dear EFA Member

Plans are moving ahead for our gathering at Abano Terme, near Padua in Italy on 29 September to 1 October. We are taking bookings and payments now, so please let us know if you want to come.
We expect the final plan for the weekend will emerge from the group when we arrive, sensing into what is wanted by the people who come.

Here is a provisional outline plan:

Friday afternoonArrivals and informal gathering and meeting, before supper.
After supper on Friday – meet as a whole group for attunement and connection.

Saturday morning – Meet as a whole group, and identify current topics for exploration and development.
Lunch 1pm
Saturday afternoon – Development of interest groups
Coffee break, then 2 x 1 and a half hour workshops, running concurrently.
Supper, then party time and relaxation.

Sunday morning The general assembly, where we make decisions and carry forward action steps that can be developed during the next year.
1pm Lunch, then leave.

We will be a multi-lingual group. We want to include non-English speakers, and we want to get to know our Italian colleagues and friends. It will be important to slow down, and make time for translations. We have seen how valuable this can be, when at the conference at Cambridge, and at other international gatherings. It emphasises the Focusing way of really listening, and making sure that everyone feels heard and understood.

Workshops that have been offered so far include:

Focusing as a Life Skill – Eirini Davleri and Patricia Foster
Symbols that keep us together – MEG (Maria Emanuela Galanti)
Focusing-oriented coaching – Aukje Strandstra
Focusing to make sound choices in decision-making – Hejo Feuerstein

Interest group – How can Focusing translate into social action in Europe?
Interest group – How can we develop our own European certification without losing our diversity and richness?
Interest group – Discussing our resposes to the ILC proposal on certification

There is more information on the EFA web site about workshops and interest groups that are forming. What happens is very much dependant on who comes, and we will create this weekend together. Recent newsletters also give you an update on how plans are progressing.

This page also has information on how to get to the venue at Abano Terme.

Here is a reminder of the cost of the venue:

(Costs include all meals, including dinner on Friday evening and lunch on Sunday),
and is non-refundable.

131 Euros for a single room.
121 Euros per person for a double room. (Please let Meg know if you want a double bed, or twin beds)
115 Euros per person for a triple room. (Please arrange your own share)

We will divide the cost of the meeting rooms between us when we get there.

We look forward to our meeting at the end of September.

Please let us know if you are coming, and we will let you know how to pay.

Kind regards

Fiona, Meg, Tine, Judy, Hejo, Pavlos and Nikos

Therme San Marco
Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

Find participants from all over Europe ready to share their experience with Focusing and Focusing applications, co-creating new European projects.

European Focusing Association

EFA Networking Meetings

EFA (European Focusing Association) is a European network for Focusers, Focusing professionals and Focusing practitioners, who wish to develop Focusing and the Experiential Approach through collaboration, openness and mutual support.

Dear Friend,

We are writing to give more detail of the first ever Annual European Focusing Association (EFA) Meeting, which will take place near Padua in Italy from 29th September to 1 October 2017.

Why are we having this meeting?

EFA is a European network for Focusers, Focusing professionals and Focusing practitioners, who wish to develop Focusing through collaboration, openness and mutual support. We are now ready to carry forward the development of this Association and hope you will be able to join us.

What’s good about it and what’s in it for you?

This is an opportunity to gather, to meet old friends and new, to network and connect, and most importantly to collaborate in developing Focusing in Europe.

You are invited to offer a workshop and to take part in other people’s offerings. You could also think about how collaborating with others could enhance and develop your own work with Focusing. We hope this weekend will be a springboard for new initiatives for Focusing in Europe.

Our aim is that the meeting should facilitate the formation of project groups that can be continued through web meetings. We hope that specific interest groups will organize events throughout the year to demonstrate and develop new directions in Focusing.

If you already know what kind of project group you would like, please write us and we will reserve some time and space for you during the meeting.

Here is more information.

If you want to come, you can register your interest here.

We hope to see you in Italy!

Warm good wishes,

Fiona, Hejo, Judy, Meg, Nikos, Pavlos, Tine

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

Find participants from all over Europe ready to share their experience with Focusing and Focusing applications, co-creating new European projects.

EFA Networking Meetings

EFA (European Focusing Association) is a European network for Focusers, Focusing professionals and Focusing practitioners, who wish to develop Focusing and the Experiential Approach through collaboration, openness and mutual support.
Dear EFA member,We send greetings as we prepare the next steps of our journey with Focusing in Europe.  It feels particularly significant that we are planning our annual gathering in the month following the death of Gene Gendlin.  Our wish is to carry his work forward in Europe in a truly creative way, honouring the spirit of Focusing.  We give details below of the 2017 European meeting and are grateful to Meg Galanti who has found us a suitable venue near the beautiful city of Padua in Northern Italy for our proposed date of 29 September- 1 October.

Death of Gene Gendlin

Gene Gendlin died aged 90 on 1 May at his home in New York.  A memorial website has been created by The International Focusing Institute where you can read more about Gene’s life and some of the many tributes to his contribution to the world of philosophy and psychotherapy. See

The 2017 EFA Annual Meeting

The 2017 EFA Annual Meeting is where we really want to take EFA forward. This is your chance to ask yourself – and let us know- what you want to see happening in terms of Focusing in Europe.

Please join us if you can.  The meeting will take place from Friday 29 September- Sunday I October.

The venue is a beautiful religious house of hospitality near Padua in Italy.  For more details of the venue see

What form will the meeting take?

Arrival will be in the afternoon of Friday 29 September.  The meeting starts with an evening meal and there will be a whole group meeting after the meal. There is space for an informal gathering before the evening meal for those who arrive earlier.

We plan to have some time on Saturday as a whole group and also to allow time for workshops and for the formation of task and interest groups to carry the work of EFA forward.  It is proposed that the EFA Annual General Assembly take place on the morning of Sunday 1 October.

Topics for task/ interest groups to date are:

  • How can Focusing translate into social action in Europe?
  • Focusing-oriented coaching.
  • The formation of our own European university/ academic institution
  • European certification of training programmes

Please let us know if you would be interested in offering a workshop.

What are the costs of attending?

Prices for 2 nights accommodation, plus dinner on Friday evening, 3 meals on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday are as follows:

  • 128 Euros for a single room
  • 118 Euros for a shared double room (Please arrange your own share)
  • 112 Euros for a 3-4 person room. (Please arrange your own share)

An additional 1.5 Euros per day will be charged as tax and there will be a further charge for meeting room hire.  The cost of the room we would like to use is 100 Euros a day.  The cost will be divided among participants and the total amount required from each participant will depend on numbers present.

How do I register interest in the Padua gathering?

Booking details for the 2017 meeting will shortly be released, but, to give us some idea of numbers, please first register your interest on the following Google form at

We hope to see you in Italy!

And, if you are not able to attend in person, please let us know of any topics you would like to raise.

Warm greetings,

Fiona, Hejο, Judy, Nikos, Pavlos, Tine, Meg

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

Find participants from all over Europe ready to share their experience with Focusing and Focusing applications, co-creating new European projects.

EFA Networking Meetings

EFA (European Focusing Association) is a European network for Focusers, Focusing professionals and Focusing practitioners, who wish to develop Focusing and the Experiential Approach through collaboration, openness and mutual support.
Dear Friends,We hope you are well and enjoying this beautiful spring wherever you are.

We realise that there has been some confusion about whether or not the people who receive this newsletter also need to register membership on the EFA website.  We know that by signing up in Cambridge that you did, in effect, register to be a member of the European Focusing Association, but we would also like to encourage you to sign up to the website as we aim for it to become a forum for Europe-wide ‘networking’ and the sharing of information.

We have had to make some changes to the ‘process’ of registering to the website because of some ‘spam’ registrations that we have received and details of how to register and post on the website are given below.

What is the point of registering to the EFA Website?

By registering to the website you open up several possibilities:

  • You can advertise your work (individual work or workshops) to a wider (European-wide) group of participants. (There are already examples of such postings on the website.)
  • You can learn more about training and events that are happening elsewhere in Europe.
  • You can start a discussion forum for areas of particular interest (you will see, for example, that a ‘coaching’ group has begun to form and will shortly meet in Amsterdam).
  • You can form or join ‘task groups’.
  • You can ask questions.

How do I register on the EFA Website?

  1. Send an email to our Web administrator Nikos Kypriotakis ( and tell him that you wish to register yourself on the Website.
  2. Nikos will then send you a password that you can use to access the website for the first time (you can then change the password to one that you will easily remember).
  3. You then go to the website ( and in the top left-hand corner you will see an option either to ‘Log in’ or ‘Register’.
  4. Once you have registered (or logged in) your name (and profile picture once you’ve added one) will come up in the top-right hand corner with the message ‘Howdy [your name]’.
  5. Click on ‘Howdy [your name]’ and a number of options will come up, including ‘Edit my profile’ where you can set up your profile through a number of easy steps. There is an option to add a link to your own website if you wish to do this.

How do I post a general message on the EFA website?

  1. Go to your ‘Profile’ and click on your picture (or the space for a picture) and a message will come up saying ‘What’s new [your name]?’
  2. Write your message and send.

How do I post an individual message on the EFA website?

  1. Go to the Dropdown box that appears when you click ‘Howdy [your name]’ and click on ‘Messages’.
  2. Another Dropdown box will appear with the option ‘Compose’.
  3. Write your message and send.

We are in the process of composing some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the Website, but we thought these instructions might be helpful to get you started.  It takes a bit of time to get used to the Website, but it is actually very simple once you get used to it!

We are delighted to have been joined on the Steering Group by

  • Nikos Kypriotakis from Greece, a Physics teacher who loves Gendlin’s philosophy, Focusing, TAE and is in charge of the Website and the EFA Facebook page (, and
  • Tine Swyngedouw, who is a Focusing trainer, FOT psychotherapist and Certifying Coordinator from Belgium, and who is in charge of the European Coordinators Conference Calls.

We will send out another Newsletter with further details of the website and the possibility of a 2017 meeting, but, in the meantime, we hope to see you on the Website!

With our warm good wishes,

Fiona, Hejo, Judy, Pavlos, Nikos, Tine

Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

Find participants from all over Europe ready to share their experience with Focusing and Focusing applications, co-creating new European projects.

EFA Networking Meetings

EFA (European Focusing Association) is a European network for Focusers, Focusing professionals and Focusing practitioners, who wish to develop Focusing and the Experiential Approach through collaboration, openness and mutual support.

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to be able to send details of the EFA website, which has now gone ‘live’ and can be accessed at We also want to invite offers to organize an EFA autumn gathering.

The Website

If you follow the link you will come immediately to the EFA webpage and a double arrow will appear in the middle of the screen. Click on this arrow and you will then find instructions for how to ‘Register’.

The website has a copy of the Vision Statement that was presented in Cambridge and outlines the principles that were agreed at the meeting there. We ask that anyone who registers agree in principle with this Vision Statement. At present we have a Swedish, Greek and German translation of the Vision Statement and invite translations into other European languages. At this stage we are sending this communication only to those of you who were in Cambridge and indicated that you would like to join the Association, but in due course we would like to open the website to Focusers throughout Europe.

The aim of the website is to offer a forum where European Focusers can present their work, advertise Focusing events and network to foster collaboration and within and across the boundaries of the countries of Europe.

This website and membership of EFA is entirely free of charge and we are very grateful for the generosity of those who have made this possible. We particularly appreciate the work of Gilbert Seilheimer and Nikos Kypriotakis who have collaborated to put the website together.

The website is very easy to use: it has a ‘public area’ and also ‘members only’ sections where EFA members can read colleagues’ profiles and communicate privately. It is here that we hope members will form discussion groups on topics of common interest and collaborate on projects.

Volunteers to Organize an EFA meeting?

One project that we hope participants will want to be involved in is the organization of a 2017 EFA gathering. At present this is tentatively planned for the weekend of 29th September, but other dates would also be possible. It would be good to get together to meet in person. Such meetings have taken place since 2010 in Pforzheim, Germany and in large and small venues around Europe- Paris, London, Liège, Madrid, Emmetten in Switzerland, Athens, Tübingen in Germany and Cambridge.

Because membership of EFA is free and we, the Steering Group, are merely the ‘volunteers’ who have agreed to carry things forward in the short term, we now want to ‘open’ EFA to all our members, to share the options and also the difficulties that we face so that we can work together to find creative solutions.

We look forward to hearing from you, either through the website or via email.

Warm regards,


Visit our Facebook Page FocusingEurope

Information about the EFA Task Group for a European Focusing-Oriented Coaching (FoC) Training Programme
To take place in Amsterdam, April 2017


  • European Focusing Association (EFA) Participants and European Focusing Professionals who are experienced in Coaching, and
  • Coaching Professionals in Europe who apply Focusing in their work

Hejo Feuerstein, European Co-ordinator at TIFI
Aukje Strandstra, European Co-ordinator (in Training) at TIFI

Date:  January 16th,  2017


Meeting to found and develop an EFA Task Group for Focusing
Oriented Coaching (FOC) Training in Europe.
Sunday afternoon April  9th – lunchtime Tuesday 11th April, 2017, in Amsterdam

Dear Focusing and Coaching colleagues,

In keeping with the recommendation to form task groups in the European Focusing Association (EFA) Vision Statement, Aukje Strandstra and Hejo Feuerstein have collaborated to launch the first EFA Task Group on Focusing-Oriented Coaching (FOC).

Having presented our plan at the Focusing Coordinators meeting in Tübingen and at the International Focusing Conference in Cambridge (2016), we are now ready to carry forward the EFA Task Group for a “European Focusing-Oriented Coaching (FOC) Training-Program”. This will become the pilot for EFA-accredited European Training programmes. The training modules will be offered by qualified European Focusing professionals in the field of Coaching to participants all over Europe. We plan to offer training and supervision in person at different venues as well as offering web-based modules (or by using other media).

We want to make Focusing-Oriented Coaching better known and to provide each other with solid support in this new venture. If you are interested in contributing, collaborating and becoming part of this EFA Task Group, you are invited to join us in Amsterdam from 9 – 11th of April 2017.

Our plan for this meeting is:

  • to get to know each other better in person and to share the experience of trainings and workshops we all use to integrate Focusing in our coaching training and practice;
  • to present our own training concepts and material on Focusing-oriented Coaching;
  • to plan how to invite and organize other Focusing colleagues and experienced coaches to co-create, collaborate and develop the FOC-programme with us.

If you are interested, please send your registration form (see below) to:

Aukje Strandstra at

Deadline: FEBRUARY 10th 2017

Please contact us directly if you need more information. ;
As soon as we know the number of participants, we will send you details about the proposed venue and also let you know about hotel facilities in the Centre of Amsterdam.

Warm greetings,

Aukje and Hejo

Hejo Feuerstein
Untere Reig 12
D-77723 Gengenbach
0049 160 92836711

Aukje Strandstra
Buiten Kadijken 16
NL – 1018 ZS Amsterdam
003120 6206490 en 00316 44802837

Registration Form

To be sent by February 10th, 2017 to

Meeting of the European Focusing Association
(EFA) Task Group for the development of the
European Focusing-Oriented Coaching (FOC) Training Programme
in Amsterdam, April 9th – 11th , 2017

I would like to participate in the meeting in Amsterdam

My name:
My address:

My email-address:
My Phone number:

Aspects, ideas … I would like to contribute:

EFA – European Focusing Association

Steering Group

19th January 2017

Dear Friends,

We have been working to move forward the European Focusing Association that you signed up to join in Cambridge last July and are now able to update you with some news.
We are delighted to give notice of two exciting developments that have been taking place.  These are: an upcoming meeting of an EFA Task Group to develop a programme for Focusing-Oriented Coaching; and plans for a European Focusing School.

Task Group for Focusing-Oriented Coaching

A meeting to form an EFA Task Group for Focusing-Oriented Coaching is planned in Amsterdam from Sunday afternoon 9th April – lunchtime Wednesday 11th April 2017. More details will follow, but do bear these dates in mind if you would like to join with colleagues Aukje Strandstra and Hejo Feuerstein to develop Europe-wide programmes in Focusing-Oriented Coaching.

Plans for a European Focusing School

A European Focusing School is being planned for 2018 / 2019 by a small group of colleagues.

The Creation of an EFA Website

The issue that has taken up most of our time and attention since Cambridge has been how to create and develop a website which can be both an interactive forum for members and also a place where workshops and events can be advertised to non-members who are interested in Focusing events in Europe.
Such a website is now almost ready and a link will be sent to you as soon as it can go ‘live’.  It has been produced at no cost to EFA members, thanks to the generosity of individual members.  We are also very grateful to Gilbert Seilheimer and Nikolaos Kypriotakis who have given their time to work on its design and construction.
This website is distinct from the site that currently exists for European Coordinators.  Longer term decisions about which website should serve EFA in the future can be taken at a later stage and when we are more established as an association.

EFA Annual General Meeting 2017

We are mindful of the need to hold an EFA Annual General Assembly each year and we have as yet to find a venue for such a meeting in 2017.  If anyone would be willing to organize an event to which an Annual General Assembly could be attached later in the year (we were thinking of 29th September- 2nd October) please let us know. It would be good to have an event that included some workshops that people would like to attend as well as the AGM itself.
In these challenging times with events in the UK and the US affecting all our futures, we welcome the opportunity to work closely and collaboratively with all our European colleagues to create a better future for us all in 2017.

All good wishes,


Dear European Focuser,

We are writing to let you know where we have got to in the setting-up of the European Focusing Association (EFA). We have been in regular contact with each other since Cambridge and have been trying to find the best way to take the first simple step of putting people in contact with each other for networking purposes. It now looks as if we have found a way of doing this. The details are still being sorted out, but we will let you know in due course how to set about online registration. We also now have an email account for EFA and are mailing you from our new address.

At this early stage we don’t want to ask for a ‘membership’ fee because we can’t make any promises about the new organisation. We simply have agreement in principle from our Cambridge signatories to the establishment of EFA and our aim is to make this organisation happen. We know that it needs to be an organic, step-by-step, process and also recognise that it will take time to sort out the many technicalities involved. However, we didn’t want to lose momentum by getting too bogged down in technicalities at this stage.

So, for now, our intention is to set up a ‘networking’ forum and we will send out more detail about how you can participate in this in due course. We hope that this forum will bring to light people who might be helpful in carrying forward the next steps of the new organisation (we need people who have expertise in different areas), but we also hope that, for those of you who are simply looking for ‘networking’ opportunities, you will find companions who might share or wish to participate in your own particular fields of focusing interest.

More will follow, but, in the meantime, we send you our warm good wishes,


EFA's Vision Statement

©2025 European Focusing Association (EFA).


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