Lecture ‘Felt Sense – a beautiful yet misleading term’ by Donata Schoeller https://www.donataschoeller.com/ 1st EUROPEAN FOCUSING CONFERENCE MAY 10-14,...
Tag Archive for: 2018
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Ruth Hirsch – Non-Official Reports from The International Focusing Institute
Nikolaos Kypriotakis, , Articles, General, International, News, 2018, 2019, Ruth Hirsch, TIFI, 0The following three articles were written following a request from Gordon Adam, the Editor of the British Focusing Association...
Video: Living forward. The challenge of carrying forward Gendlin’s legacy.
Nikolaos Kypriotakis, , Conferences, Greece, Lecture, News, UK, Videos, 1st European Focusing Conference, 2018, Loutraki, Mia Leijssen, 0General Intro Several of the lecture-style presentations were videoed at the First EFA Conference in Loutraki, Greece (https://efa2018.weebly.com/) and are...
Video: A new approach to understanding Focusing
Nikolaos Kypriotakis, , Conferences, Greece, Lecture, News, UK, Videos, 1st European Focusing Conference, 2018, Campbell Purton, Loutraki, 0General Intro Several of the lecture-style presentations were videoed at the First EFA Conference in Loutraki, Greece (https://efa2018.weebly.com/) and are...
Video: A process theory of physical illness: medicine and psychotherapy
Nikolaos Kypriotakis, , Belgium, Conferences, Greece, Lecture, News, Videos, 1st European Focusing Conference, 2018, Frans Depestele, Loutraki, 0πάθη λόγοι ἔνυλοί εἰσιν Aristotle, De Anima I,1,10, 403a, 25 A possible translation could be: Experiences are ‘words’-in-matter. Or:...
EFocusing – Nieuwsbrief Focussen Leuven Oktober 2018
Nikolaos Kypriotakis, , Belgium, Events, News, Training, 2018, 2019, Leuven, Tine Swyngedouw, 0Nieuwsbrief Focussen Leuven Oktober 2018 Download the Newsletter by clicking on the link: Nieuwsbrief Focussen Leuven Oktober 2018 De...
Video: Beyond Rogers, Beyond Gendlin: Widening our Understanding of the Theory
Nikolaos Kypriotakis, , Conferences, Events, Greece, Lecture, News, Videos, 1st European Focusing Conference, 2018, Christiane Geiser, EFA Activities, Judy Moore, Loutraki, 0General Intro Several of the lecture-style presentations were professionally videoed at the First EFA Conference in Loutraki, Greece (https://efa2018.weebly.com/) and...
Ebook on TAE-theory in German by Stefan Beyer
Nikolaos Kypriotakis, , Books, General, News, 2018, Stefan Beyer, 0Was heißt gerne leben?: Experimente mit Thinking-At-The-Edge Kindle Edition Stefan Beyer has published an e-book on a TAE-theory...
Thinking At the Edge (TAE) steps in Dutch
Nikolaos Kypriotakis, , Articles, Belgium, News, 2018, Tine Swyngedouw, 0Find below the Dutch translation of the TAE steps (open for public view and download) Gendlin, E. & Hendricks,...
Sharing(s) from the 1st European Focusing Conference
Nikolaos Kypriotakis, , Conferences, Events, Greece, International, News, 1st European Focusing Conference, 2018, EFA Activities, Loutraki, 0Dear Conference Participants, We can now make some of the lectures, workshop material and Powerpoints from Loutraki available on...