Focusing Tip No. 120 Being with overwhelming feelings C asks, When I feel I’m whelming up inside, like a...
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Focusing Tip No. 119 Living with uncertainty. Living with uncertainty and not knowing in your life can be destabilising,...
Focusing Tip No. 118 The Presence of Awareness When you are Focusing, it helps to develop your capacity for...
Focusing Tip No. 117 When the body speaks through sensations. A Focuser says, ‘I experienced intense sensations in my...
Focusing Tip No. 116. Dealing with anger Like many of us, when I am being with my anger, I...
Senses of Focusing, Vol. I & II
Nikolaos Kypriotakis, , Activities, Books, Greece, International, News, UK, Videos, 2021, Eurasia Publications, Judy Moore, Nikolaos Kypriotakis, 0Senses of Focusing, Vol. I & II Here you can watch a video about the new publication Senses of...
Focusing Tip No. 115. When does having an active dialogue with an inner voice become a waste of time?...
Focusing Tip No. 114 The value of Focusing in these difficult times. I want to say how much I...
Focusing Tip No. 113. Focusing as a spiritual tool for counsellors This is adapted from an interview I did...