A meeting of the EFA Task Group for Focusing-Oriented Coaching is planned in

Amsterdam from Sunday, 9th (14:00)–Tuesday, 11th (lunch), April


Dear Focusing and Coaching colleagues,

In keeping with the recommendation to form task groups in the European Focusing Association (EFA) Vision Statement, Aukje Strandstra and Hejo Feuerstein have collaborated to launch the first EFA Task Group on Focusing-Oriented Coaching (FOC).

Having presented our plan at the Focusing Coordinators meeting in Tübingen and at the International Focusing Conference in Cambridge (2016), we are now ready to carry forward the EFA Task Group for a “European Focusing-Oriented Coaching (FOC) Training-Program”. This will become the pilot for EFA-accredited European Training programmes. The training modules will be offered by qualified European Focusing professionals in the field of Coaching to participants all over Europe. We plan to offer training and supervision in person at different venues as well as offering web-based modules (or by using other media).

We want to make Focusing-Oriented Coaching better known and to provide each other with solid support in this new venture. If you are interested in contributing, collaborating and becoming part of this EFA Task Group, you are invited to join us in Amsterdam from 9 – 11th of April 2017.

Our plan for this meeting is:

– to get to know each other better in person and to share the experience of trainings and workshops we all use to integrate Focusing in our coaching training and practice;

– to present our own training concepts and material on Focusing-oriented Coaching;

– to plan how to invite and organize other Focusing colleagues and experienced coaches to co-create, collaborate and develop the FOC-programme with us.

If you are interested, please send your registration form (see below) to:

Aukje Strandstra at a.strandstra@hetnet.nl

Deadline: FEBRUARY 10th 2017

Please contact us directly if you need more information.
h.feuerstein@focusing.de ; a.strandstra@hetnet.nl

As soon as we know the number of participants, we will send you details about the proposed venue and also let you know about hotel facilities in the Centre of Amsterdam.

Warm greetings,
Aukje and Hejo

Hejo Feuerstein
Untere Reig 12
D-77723 Gengenbach
0049 160 92836711

Aukje Strandstra
Buiten Kadijken 16
NL – 1018 ZS Amsterdam
003120 6206490 en 00316 44802837

Registration Form

To be sent by February 10th, 2017 to a.strandstra@hetnet.nl

Meeting of the European Focusing Association
(EFA) Task Group for the development of the
European Focusing-Oriented Coaching (FOC) Training Programme

in Amsterdam, April 9th – 11th , 2017

I would like to participate in the meeting in Amsterdam

My name:

My address: 

My email-address:

My Phone number: 


Aspects, ideas … I would like to contribute:

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