British Focusing Association
NEWSLETTER Issue 15: July 2019
- Editorial
- EFA Gathering—Aegina, Greece—May 2019 by Patricia Foster
- A Non-Official Report from The International Focusing Institute: The Gendlin Centre and the Felt Sense Conference by Ruth Hirsch
- The Felt Sense in a Challenging World by Peter Afford
- Focusing as a Force for Peace: The Revolutionary Pause by Mary Hendricks
- Is it Possible to Focus with the Enormity of Climate Change? by Fiona Parr
- Book Review: ‘Love and Imperfection: A Therapist’s Story’ by Harriet Brown
- Poems: The Magic and Power of Loving Relationship by Gordon Adam
- Our Bodies Feel the Bigger Picture by Peter Gill
- News from the Sofa by Helen Bower
- Workshops, Events, & Groups Listing
- Focusing Resources & Information