Focusing Tip No. 105.

Coronavirus – is there a gift in the crisis?

We are living through troubled times. I hope you are staying safe and well?

Everyone has their own story to tell, and I am hearing some of the stories, of how it is affecting you and impacting on your life.
What strikes me is how connected we are, and how each person’s actions and behaviour has an impact on the whole. It is becoming more clear to me that what I do has an impact on the world, and how I live is important. That I matter.
I may loose touch with the awareness that I matter, or I think that I am just one small person and how can I possibly make a difference.
Many people are finding stillness, becoming reflective, and deepening their meditation practice.
At this time of crisis, stillness and silent practice is making a difference.

Coronavirus is like a world illness. Any illness is a time to stop and reflect; a period of enforced change.
I can’t just carry on as I usually do; I have to let go, pause, surrender. When I emerge from the illness, I am changed somehow. There has been a process of letting go. I can pick up the threads of my old life, but it’s different now. I see this time as a process of change for the world, and we are being affected by it.

Many people are stepping forward to offer help and support, and I am in awe of the frontline medical staff in the hospitals, as well as everyone who are risking their health to keep our society going.
For me, what is most important is to be more fully myself. To be more of who I truly am, and offer what I have to others and to the world. The world needs each one of us, with our unique contribution.

‘Blossom where you are planted.’
We are where we find ourselves; alone, with a partner, or with family members or shared households. We are each of us on an unfolding path in our lives. Where we are is where we find ourselves. I am struck by how interconnected we are, even in this period of lockdown and social distancing.

Focusing can truly offer support, through online and phone sessions with Focusing partners, helping us to listen more deeply to what is true within each one of us.
It gives us the resilience to meet challenging situations. It eases stress and brings calm and balance.
It is freely available to everyone, and I hope that you are reaching out to Focusing partners and making time to Focus and listen.

Read more articles and focusing tips on my website

Warm wishes


©2025 European Focusing Association (EFA).


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