Be kind to yourself as a parent
Workshop by Ann Weiser Cornell
Saturday May 25, 2019
Being a parent is a hard enough job … and then on top of that we judge and blame ourselves for not being good enough. We feel defeated and powerless and convinced we suck in parenting.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a way to get yourself off the hook, to shift all that self-blame so you actually feel good inside about your parenting? You’ll have more energy, life will feel lighter, you’ll enjoy your kids again… Just as it should be!
- build your inner resources of calm and resilience so you don’t get knocked over by the little and big things that happen
- learn a way to take care of your own feelings, like exhaustion and anger, so they don’t make you do and say things you are sorry for later
- develop the skill of kindness to yourself by listening to the hidden caring side of your inner critical voices
197 euro incl. BTW
Snelle beslissersprijs: 167 euro incl. BTW als je inschrijft voor 15 april 2019.
In de prijs inbegrepen:
- onthaal met thee, koffie, koekjes en fruit
- broodjeslunch
- 4- uurtje
- al het materiaal dat je nodig hebt voor die dag
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